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What is Brotastic?

A portmanteau of brother and fantastic.
adjective –
imaginative or fanciful brothers or men in a brother-type relationship.
extraordinarily good brother-type relationship.
extraordinarily good music/performance by/for people in a brother-type relationship.

I have a brotastic relationship with the last guy I dated before I came out as a lesbian: I actually call him my lezbro now!

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Brotastic - video


Brotastic - what is it?

Something awesome that your friend does for you.

1). Dude, I totally got that O you wanted.
2). Nice, thats brotastic.

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What does "Brotastic" mean?

A male companion to a Bro Ho. Centers more on lifestyle and lamely hanging out than excelling at a sport, or fine skill.

Part of the useless groupie crowd taking up room. causing trouble in the pits, and mooching everybody's stuff.

"Dude, you're such a Brotastic. Learn to ride."

Guy doing donuts on a quad in the pits,throwing dirt on everyone, "That is so brotastic."

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Brotastic - what does it mean?

Bro's + Fantastic = Brotastic!

Head Bro: Hey man, all the bro's are getting together to watch Dane Cook and play game cube, wanna join?!

Odd Bro out: Yeah man, sounds Brotastic!!

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Brotastic - meaning be such good friends with another dude that anything done together is described as brotastic

2. to be amazing, or excrete awesomeocity

that trip to the store was so brotastic.

that game was extremly brotastic

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Brotastic - definition

When a bro feels like a fellow bro deserves a cold bruskii and bronaque in the park with a couple other bro's in the broarchy - as well as a fresh brolex

Hey bro, thats brotastic

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Brotastic - slang

Relates to the word "Bro". A moment in which much bro love is happens.

Damn bro, that frisbee game was Brotastic.

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To be so bro-ey that you blow (or bro) everybody's minds; chillin out super hard; an adjective describing the overwhelming need to patronize taco bell at an innabropriate hour.

"did you see scott last night, he bro-ed the last b-pong cup, bro-ed to taco bell, and bro-ed one out to gillmore girls, epically brotastic"

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