Definder - what does the word mean?

What is awesomeocity?

Someone so awesome that they exude an awesome aura around them.This tends to work through all types of communication

me:hehe yesssss or thee ahem davon is full of awesomeocity hahaa
lipscomb:ooo I'm going to play Sims...and my town shall be called Awesomeocity...OooOOO I should send it to Webster and get it legalized!

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awesomeocity - video


Awesomeocity - what is it?

the act of being so awesome that you literally excrete awesomeness

Chuck Norris is awesomeocity personified.

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What does "awesomeocity" mean?

Something that's so awesome that "awesome," "totally awesome" and even "awesomesauce" do not express the level of awesomeness.

Teenaged girl No. 1: Have you seen
Teenaged girl No. 2: I have! Words cannot express the awesomeocity I find in the definitions there.

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Awesomeocity - what does it mean?

Being in the greatest state of satisfaction u can be. an overall state of exstacy were thigns happen good in a row.

I got laid today, and tomorrow too: Ken replied "awesomeocity"..

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