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What is Blueycapsules?

Jeremy Fitzgerald, sometimes called "Germany" (for unknown reasons) is the boyfriend of Fritz Smith in a popular Five Nights at Freddy's comic on Twitter, BlueyCapsules. His height is 5'7, and he is 18 years old. He has a dolphin tattoo on his left arm, a red hat with Toy Freddy's face on the front which he wears sideways, a necklace with a rock that looks like a tooth tied to it, and a red bracelet on both of his wrists. He has gold eyes and blonde hair (which looks like french fries).

BlueyCapsules Jeremy Fitzgerald is gay.

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Blueycapsules - video


Blueycapsules - what is it?

Jeremy Fitzgerald is a main character in BlueyCapsules. He is a young high school dropout working the dayshift (now nightshift) at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. Though he's been through hell and back in his short life, Jeremy is a contagiously cheerful individual with a totally radical outlook on everything. Everybody loves him. Everybody wants to be him. However, he isn’t stupid -- thanks to his seasoned street smarts, Jeremy knows a bad apple when he sees one, and he has his doubts when it comes to a select few. He is dating Fritz Smith.

Appearance: Jeremy Fitzgerald has red wristbands on both of his wrists, a orange sleeveless shirt, purple pants, a purple hoodie tied around his waist, a necklace with a rock shaped like a tooth tied on it, orange socks, yellowish-white and green Nike shoes, a red cap with Toy Freddy's face on the back (he wears it sideways) blonde hair, and gold eyes.

Age: 18
Height: 5'7
Status: Alive
Birthday: April 20th

BlueyCapsules Jeremy Fitzgerald

G A Y .

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What does "Blueycapsules" mean?

C.C is amazing, he speaks emojis, i love him. /p

have you heard of crying child blueycapsules ?
yeah hes my favorite emoji speaker

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Blueycapsules - what does it mean?

A blueycapsules clone is a twitter comic that closely follows the template of the twitter comic "Blueycapsules"

Comic named usually consist of 2 words,
usually a color and then some sort of drug such as
"Tealy Tablets, Lavender Lozenge, Whitish Weed, Leanish capsules, Magenta Mints, Red Medzz, Purple Etymology."

Guy 1 : " Hey do you follow Whitish Weed?"
Guy 2 : "No i dont like Blueycapsules clones."

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Blueycapsules - meaning

a gay comic about animatronics and gay people and murders

"I love blueycapsules"
"your mom"

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Blueycapsules - definition

BlueyCapsules is a very silly goofy funny comic on featuring very skrunkly charachters and a questionable fandom

guy 1:hey dude! have you read the new BlueyCapsules update? that shit was gay as fuck.
guy 2:no gerald im not homosexual,only gay people read that shit.
guy 3:phil is skrunkly

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Blueycapsules - slang

BlueyCapsules is a parody comic found on Twitter, making fun of the artist PinkyPills awful telling of the Five Nights at Freddy’s story. Made on Drawpile as a collaborative project between multiple artists, the mess of a comic eventually blew up on FNaF twt.

Guy 1: Hey man, have you seen tonight’s BlueyCapsules update? That shit was crazy.
Guy 2: No, not yet. They didn’t update until five am for me, so I was asleep by then.

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A Twitter Web Comic mocking Pinkypills
Resently disbanded because Reese, creator of Blueycapsules, had been mistreating the artists and using offensive Jewish stereotypes for Vincent Afton.
Blueycapsules is fr the Queer folk

I love Blueycapsules! too bad Reese is Racist, and they don't do the comics anymore.

Blueycapeues is so cool! its way better than Pinkypills because Pinkypills sucks ass.
My favorite Character from Blueycapsules is Dave Miller. His Texan charm is so sexy.

Not ONE straight person likes Blueycapsules. Only Gay people do.

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A webcomic on twitter based off of the game series Five Nights at Freddys.

'Have you read Blueycapsules? It's amazing."

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BLUEYCAPSULES is a parodical retelling of the story of Five Nights at Freddy's, told in the timeline's chronological order

Person1: i don't wanna do this blueycapsules
Person2: Cat in a burrito

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