Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bloody as hell?

Slang term with varied uses, and different meanings depending on context. Used extensively in Australia as 1:mild surprise 2:angry shock 3:mild amusement at common trouble 4:general colourful phrase added to emphasise importance of comment

1: Bloody hell, that was a good try/rally/point. (sport)
2: Bloody hell, why did you drive drunk and crash the car?
3:Bloody hell, that woman shouldn't wear tights in public.
4:Where the bloody hell are all the tourists Oprah was meant to bring us here in Oz? Are they scared off by our flaming lingo?

👍119 👎63

Bloody as hell - video


Bloody as hell - what is it?

"Bloody Hell" is an exclusively British phrase. It's a general exclamation, which can be used in many situations. You can use it to express shock, joy, shame, sadness... whatever.
But say it with a Scottish or English accent. It sounds weird when Americans say it

"Bloody Hell, it's freezing outside".
"Bloody Hell, that's amazing".
"Bloody Hell, I feel like crap."
"Bloody Hell, get off me!"

👍337 👎179

What does "Bloody as hell" mean?

A very famous line from Harry Potter. It is normally said by Ron Weasley.

Ron: Bloody hell, Harry!
Ron: What the bloody hell was that all about?
Ron: Bloody hell!

Ron: Bloody hell. Whoever shed this must be 60 feet long, or more.

Ron: in own voice Bloody Hell!
Harry: We still sound like ourselves. You've got to sound more like Crabbe.
Ron: in lower voice Um... Bloody hell
Harry: Excellent.

👍589 👎321

Bloody as hell - what does it mean?

a phrase used by those in England, and certain other parts of the world including Australia

and if you're around someone who says this long enough, you'll start saying it. it's a catchy phrase

'Bloody Hell' doesn't mean exactly what it says, though. it's a less-vulgar way of saying fuck

*stubs toe*
*distant claps for not saying fuck*

👍27 👎11

Bloody as hell - meaning

The British equivalent of our terms of anger, surprise, etc.

Such as: "Oh, my God!" "Holy shit!" "What the fuck?!" "Whoa!" "Damn!"

Mandy: The worst news! I just heard Eddie Guerrero died.

Danielle: Bloody hell! Are you serious

Mandy: Yeah....

(They embrace each other crying.)

👍603 👎267

Bloody as hell - definition

British term used to express anger, shock or suprise. Apparently translates into American as 'Dirty Hell'. Fucking yanks.

"His cock was THIS big!" - "Bloody hell!"

"It took me two and a half hours to get home today." - "Bloody hell, why?!" - "Americans run our public transport, that's why." - "Fucking yanks."

"Mommy, the dog crapped in your bed again." - "Oh, bloody hell."


👍2611 👎1031

Bloody as hell - slang

an interjection of either amazed awe or sudden anger/despondency; from the terms, "Christ's wounds," and/or "Christ's blood," which were deemed sacreligious and so were shortened to "bloody;" "hell was added later to express the full extent of the emotion; originated in Great Britain

Denethor: *insane and unconsolable* Flee, flee for your liiiiives!

Gandalf: *irritated* Oh, bloody HELL! *whacks Denethor with his staff*


Hermione: *punches Malfoy in his snivelling face* Bloody hell, I've wanted to do that for ages!

Ron: Bloody hell! I think I love you.

👍1485 👎459

Bloody as hell

Ron, from Harry Potter, usually says it. It's basically his favorite phrase.

You can use this when you are either surprised or shocked at something.

Person 1: "Hey, I just realised I can fly!"
Person 2: "Bloody hell! Woah!"

👍119 👎29

Bloody as hell

Used by non-swearers to express mild irritation.

**falls down four stairs**


👍45 👎35

Bloody as hell

1950's diner terminology for a steak that is cooked very rare, or 'blue.' The meat of a bloody steak is very red, soft, and tender. If you're in a diner or restaurant and want to order a bloody steak, ask for it to be cooked very rare.

Most commonly known from Pulp Fiction - the opposite is burnt to a crisp.

Waiter: Hi, I'm Buddy. What can I getcha?
Vincent Vega: Let's see, steak, steak, steak... oh yeah, the Douglas Sirk Steak - I'll have that.
Waiter: How'd you want that cooked? Burnt to a crisp or bloody as hell?
Vincent Vega: Bloody as hell. And oh yeah, look at this - Vanilla Coke.

👍37 👎11