Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Beans and burgers?

Beans and burgers blended and it’s the retard himself(morgz)’s favourite drink! (apart from his mums booby milk of course)

baldy: do you want some bean burger juice morgan?
morgan: yes daddy, i do.

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Beans and burgers - video


Beans and burgers - what is it?

When a woman is looking to eat out a man's ass, but only prefers men who are of African American and/or Hispanic/Latino background.

Used in a sentence: "Damn, that brother has got some serious behind. That's a juicy black bean burger!"

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What does "Beans and burgers" mean?

1. A burger with a patty made from beans
2. A lighter term for an idiot or stupid person

1. I’m having a bean burger for dinner tonight.

2. You absolute bean burger!

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Beans and burgers - what does it mean?

A bean burger is a joke referring to the vagina. The bean referring to the clitoris and the burger referring to the labia. It is most commonly used to offend someone (usually a girl) by saying they like bean burgers and therefore saying they are a lesbian.

'Hey Ashley'

'Hey Michael'

'So what's up? Do you still like bean burgers or can we hook up?'

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Beans and burgers - meaning

A special Bob's Burgers burger that comes with beans

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Bean Spirit Burger, you should try it!"

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Beans and burgers - definition

the food of the gods. made by bald martin himself for his retarded step-son Morgan Hudson. EPIC

and for you Morgan... It's beans and burgers

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