Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bald Martin?

The most powerful creature on this planet. His stepson Morgz does not see his true power and will one day be overthrown by this God of a man. Bald Martin will also conquer the human race and save us all from the impending doom of Morgz Mum

You: You are such a Bald Martin, Jesus!

Jesus: Gee thanks

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Bald Martin - video


Bald Martin - what is it?

A literal god amongst men. However, he is often pranked by his idiotic stepson - Morgz - who doesn’t realise his true power

Wow, you’re so powerful, you’ve got about 1% of bald martin’s power

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What does "Bald Martin" mean?

The GNOAT (the greatest nonce of all time) Also a synonym for god and Morgan Hudson’s dad

Bald Martin and Stephen Tries like little kiddies

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Bald Martin - what does it mean?

An Internet Sensation

Bald Martin Is God

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Bald Martin - meaning

Bold Martin like people sucking his feet

Bald Martin enjoys when big Jill and morgz suck his feet

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Bald Martin - definition

Bald Martin: Is a legend that has a stepson named morgz and bald martin is kinda thicc too. also is bald and hot.

Bald Martin was left outside in the freezing cold by his stepson morgz during the infamous pause challenge.

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Bald Martin - slang

Morgan Hudson’s real dad he has a ginormous peen and probs has cancer .

Person 1:Bald Martin has a big Willy person 2:definitely

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Bald Martin

my father who went for the milk and never came back
and a god amond us

morgz challenge team bald sudjfvgbgtefrdsscf team bard for life bald martin is sexy beast

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Bald Martin

Bald Martin is the human personification of perfection.

'I wish I was Bald Martin'

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Bald Martin

Bald Martin means an absolute lad a man that can do anything they are not just genius but bald one. It has been said that they are alpha male and are pro at hide and seek

Oh my look at that bald Martin he is such an alpha

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