Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BEF?

To block someone from all forms of contacting you (ie deleting off facebook, myspace, blocking on msn) for absolutely no reason at all.

1. I'm gonna pull a bef on that guy I met last weekend
2. She totally beffed me

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BEF - meme gif

BEF meme gif

BEF - video


BEF - what is it?

A settle way to tell someone to chill out or to stop lying.

Dude, bef.

She just needs to bef.

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What does "BEF" mean?

Another word meaning 'to cry' generally used to describe angry tears deriving from the word beef meaning to be angry with someone.

"He came out of the teachers office and just started beffing!"

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BEF - what does it mean?

Best Email Friends. The person you email, most frequently, and are closest to through email. This persons emails are the most anticipated by you and also inspires you to compose your best emails.May or may not be your BFF or person closest to you in other forms of communication.

I'm up to 13 EPD (email per day) with Megan, she's my BEF.

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BEF - meaning

bef - ugly slut, from the latin 'bevfkin', mother of all that's slutish, roman godess of anul sex

i wouldn't use your nob on that tart, she's a right bev

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BEF - definition

BEF stands for big eared freak

Don at land rover frisco is a fucking BEF. "Hey Don you fucking BEF quit picking your fucking nose".

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BEF - slang

An insult for people who were born with big ears, despite the fact that it's not their fault they have big ears.

Lora is a BEF, she has ears like Dumbo.

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The BEF escaped at dunkirk beaches.

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"Oh yeah, that guy was my BEF"

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Similar to Best Friends Forever (BFF), Best Enemies Forever (BEF) means two people who love to hate each other and rip on each other every chance they get. They are sworn enemies who form a bond of hatred so strong that it's more like a perverse kind of friendship.

Bill: "Goddammit, I hate that asshole Craig! Who does he think he's trying to impress??"
Dan: "Dude, will you stop talking about Craig? When did you two become BEF?"

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