Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BEANED?

Another name for the club drug Ecstacy.

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BEANED - what is it?

another word for all types of spanish people

guy1: that guy is a fuckin bean bean....

guy2:yeah i dont think he even has a green card either.

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What does "BEANED" mean?

When something is impossible no matter how hard you try.

You couldn't ride a bike for beans.
I can't do a back flip for beans.

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BEANED - what does it mean?

Someone who thinks they’re to blame when an insult wasn’t directed at them.

Jack, stop acting like a bean

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BEANED - meaning

1. a seed vegetable, or a food made from this vegetable
2. (dimunitive) something small and cute
3. (dimunitive) a pawpad
4. synonym of cool; shortening of "cool beans"
5. (rare, local) pills; most commonly prescription pills or ecstacy
6. (vulgar, rare) testicles
7. (archaic) money

Commonly used in many phrases just because people like it, ex. for beans, in the beans etc.


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BEANED - definition



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BEANED - slang

Action of Incest Between Two Mexicans

Oh lord, Luis we told you don’t Bean in Bean.

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Beans, beans, the musical fruit,
The more you eat, the more you toot,

The more you toot, the better you feel,
so why not beans for EVERY meal?

"Beans, beans" by Ann Ominous

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a catchy song.

beans beans beans beans

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The statistically more realistic version of BLACKED. Instead of referring to people of African descent, it refers to Hispanics, specifically Mexicans.

This phrase derives from beaner.

FOX News Reporter, Tucker Carlson: America, I bet you can't guess who's really coming to dinner with your daughter or son this evening. According to Pew Research Center intermarriage statistics, the most common intermarried coupling, by a whopping 42%, are between a Hispanic and a non-Hispanic white. Unlike other intermarried couples, it barely varies by gender as 52% of white and Hispanic couples are of a Hispanic female and a non-Hispanic white male while 48% are of a Hispanic male and a non-Hispanic white female.

-Looks at camera with Tucker Carlson face-

America, it looks like some of our kids are getting BEANED.

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