Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BDG?

Acronym standing for "Beer Delivery Guy."
Usually worn on T-shirts by knuts.

A: "Hey look I'm a Beer Delivery Guy!"

B: "Hey look at that dumbass, he's a BDG!"

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BDG - meme gif

BDG meme gif

BDG - video


BDG - what is it?

BDG is a french acronym that means : Β« bandeur de gadgi Β» or Β« bandeur de gadgo Β».

It is used to talk about a person that’s always ready to f*ck with girls (gadgi) or boys (gadgo), or just a person that is easily horny because of them.

Your friend sees a very not sfw fanart of an anime character, and tweets that she’s his sexual slave and would suck his d*ck for hours : you can answer β€œbdg”.

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What does "BDG" mean?


Ashley gives Corey a bdg everyday they are together

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BDG - what does it mean?

Big Dick Grant

Mr Seidler's best student


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BDG - meaning

The screams of ghost attack victims in horror film that sound like orgasms. Also known as the Big Dick Ghost.

"Aaaahhh, ahhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhh."
"Wow that must be a BDG"

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BDG - definition


Baby dick guy

Have a friend with a last name Garcia and you can refer to him as BDG. "Hey whatsup BDG?"

If you don't know anyone with the name Garcia, you can just say hey that's that baby dick guy.

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BDG - slang

Big Dick Grandma

"Oh Gertrude is such a BDG"

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Big Dicked Gentleman

Hey Erin you know that kid zack, he's a real BDG.

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BDG - acronym for Brian David Gilbert

Brian David Gilbert is the Host of Polygon’s Unraveled on YouTube. He’s an Internet sensation for his comedic videos and chaotic good vibes.

He’s also kinda cute?

I don’t know who I love more, BDG or Clair from Bon appΓ©tit’s test kitchen

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big dick gangster

don’t fuck with me i have the power of god and bdg on my side

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