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What is Brian David Gilbert?

Safety fan & bureaucratic wunderkind.

The only man to truly unravel every game.

Brian David Gilbert: Safety fan & Bureaucratic wunderkind is the greatest bisexual man to have ever worked at

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Brian David Gilbert - video


Brian David Gilbert - what is it?

A gorgeous twink of a man who works for He is known for his absurdist humor and brilliant fashion sense; one of these gave him his current job, and the other one secured it. He currently hosts a series on the Polygon Youtube channel called "Unraveled", where he rambles about games and such.

Often acronymized as BDG.

"Brian David Gilbert hosts Unraveled, whose namesake can related to my clothes upon seeing him."
"wait, BDG is hot in real life too?" - Anonymous Tumblr user.

👍133 👎15