Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BADDA?

1) A dance originally preformed by Nick Rossi, in 1999 during a drug induced coma, while on a weekend of fun in Tallahassee, FL.

2)...when under the influence of Vicodin, Purple Haze, and beer, to pass out on the couch. Then, someone fake pukes in your ear, and you are abruptly awoken, with eyes as red as a fire engine, you do the Badda Whip Dance, while saying "Badda -Whip, Badda Whip, Badda Whip Whip Whip", then passing direcly back out.

3)The moves are as follows: Moving your arms up and down while half bent, fists clenched, while moving your head side to side, and repeating "Badda-Whip, Badda-Whip, Badda Whip Whip Whip.

1) Nick Rossi, the founder of the Badda-Whip Dance is the king of the dance, do not challenge his greatness, you are not worthy.

2)Holy shit, I couldn't believe Chi-Chi did the Badda-Whip Dance when Whap puked in his ear, now that was a great performance.

3) (before getting extremely stoned) Everybody do the Badda-Whip Dance, now move your arms up and down, shake that head side to side, go go go.

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BADDA - meme gif

BADDA meme gif

BADDA - video


BADDA - what is it?

The act of heating your food with a BIC lighter

My ovens broken i guess i have to use The Badda Technique

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What does "BADDA" mean?

A mushroom dwelling blueberry

Guy 1: look at that blueberry

Guy 2: he is a Badda Roin

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BADDA - what does it mean?

a term that one would use state that persons gangsta credability

rahaaaaaaated fam my man is a nexxxt badda man

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BADDA - meaning

The antonym for
This is a person who has the attributes of

Ben, (Benedict Arnold),

A Dick, (self explanatory)
Don, (A Godfather)
Adolf, (self explanatory)
Or a Treasonous, Racist Dickhead who thinks he’s Adolf Hitler who’s a muther ...... you can figure out the rest

1.:- #DonaldTrumpDumbass is really a #BADDA MF...
Red necks, Racists & @fox&friends said β€œShut your mouth”
#BenADickDonAldof #BADDAMF

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BADDA - definition

A common phrase usually used by an italian when you are excited or ancy. Also, is uses as an exclamation

We went in there and Badda Bing! we took care of everything

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BADDA - slang

Often heard in the order "badda bing, badda boom", the phrase is a way of saying, "That's it, it's all taken care of". The exact origin of "badda boom, badda bing" is a mystery, but the best guess I've heard is that it started as a verbal imitation of a "rim shot," the drummer's punctuation to a comic's punchline in the old vaudeville routines.

"We set the Judge up with a hooker, Louie busts in with a camera, and badda bing, badda boom, case dismissed".

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The one and only phrase New England Patriots linebacker Tedy Bruschi says because he looks like he has down syndrome and he prob cant speak good english either and requires a translator because no one can understand him.

Coach: "Tedy go tackle that pad"
Tedy Bruschi: "Badda?!
Coach: "Do it now"
Tedy Bruschi: "BADDA BADDA BADDA!"

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man that love to kiss young boy and sex him and it very it bad

look that baddas he look like nonce

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bad, badda

yuh sey dem badman fi bad , mi sey mi badda than badman

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