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What is BABY MAKE?

Musical tones played before and sometimes during conception that sets the "mood" for either the guy or girl.

"Let's Get It On" by Barry White
"Smack That" by Akon
"Shaft" by Isaac Hayes


"Turk and Carla required baby making music because they were unable to make a child in the first few months."

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BABY MAKE - video


BABY MAKE - what is it?

Where a childless couple goes to a business and is shown photos of men and women and the couple picks out the baby to be's parents. Then the man and woman they picked out get together and have sex till the woman gets pregnant. then when the baby is born it is sold to the childless couple.

John is working in a baby making business.

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What does "BABY MAKE" mean?


"you got baby making snot all over my dogs face"

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BABY MAKE - what does it mean?

Females of birth giving age.

In addressing the problem of Japan's low birth rate the health minister of Japan, Hakuo Yanagisawa, said that: "Because the number of baby making machines and devices is fixed, all we can ask for is for them to do their best per head."

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BABY MAKE - meaning

ejaculate The liquid that comes out after you ejaculate after sexual actions.

What is used when you want to make a baby.

I was giving him a handjob and his baby making fluids got all over me

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BABY MAKE - definition

Baby Making Syndrome (BMS) is a sex addiction. Specifically an addiction to unprotected sex within a long term relationship where, having a child would not affect the feelings shared between the couple in the relationship.
Baby Making Syndrome, is especially present when this couple continuously have sex without using any forms of contraceptive. (i.e. Condoms or Birth Control) This is usually found to be present in couples who have been together for several years, and plan on getting married in the foreseeable future.
When the aforementioned couples end up becoming pregnant with a child, they will usually decide to keep the child, and raise it themselves. Usually in the 9 month process of the baby's growth inside the womb, this couple will continuously have just as much sex as they did before, if not more, and are very likely to get pregnant with another child soon after their first one is born.

"Dude. I have Baby Making Syndrome."

"How do you know?"

"K, so, you know how my girl and I just had our first kid?"


"Well... She's pregnant again."


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BABY MAKE - slang

When a male masturbates and climaxes in the shower.

To Janes disgust, the white streak she found on the shower curtain could only be a result of Brian making water babies.

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Wider hips on a woman, usually with a bigger booty and this is associated with having a good body for giving birth to children.

Sang by Fantasia in the song "Baby makin' hips"

Whoa look at that booty, damn she got them baby making hips for sure.

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Music that makes one want to fornicate, thus making babies. i.e. Van Morrison and Marvin Gaye

God, who played this song? This is some Baby making music!

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When an action occurs, or something material has the quality to be extremely good/orgasmic

BABY MAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

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