Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GASP?

What people in anime do when something unexpected happens

I have a confession to make... Iā€™m actually your dog


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GASP - meme gif

GASP meme gif

GASP - video

GASP - what is it?

the sound someone makes between the moans

Every time she could, she gasped for air.

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What does "GASP" mean?

1. To exclaim by breathing in.

He gasped when he saw the two bodies pulsating.

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GASP - what does it mean?

A word uttered when in shock

"GASP!" shouted the Tajikstani immigrant after realizing his wife had soiled her undergarments.

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GASP - meaning

The act of gasping, see =o

person 2: *gasp* that's amazing!

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GASP - definition

when words cannot be used. or just when you want to be dramatic..

*gasp* I cannot believe this I have zero words just shook... or
*gasp* omg really I didn't know you were gay?! btw love that hot pink purse today where did you get it?

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GASP - slang

British slang for experiencing nicotine withdrawal. American equivalent is "having a nicfit."

I had to work all day today without a fag break. By the time they let me out I was gasping.

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1) Deep breath made when desperate for air.

2) Deep breath made when surprised.

1) After emerging from his tankless, two-minute-and-thirty-seven-second dive, Frank gasped for air with deep, exhausted breaths.

2) I gasped when I learned that Lena was in fact the one who wrote the "Anel was here" message on the blackboard that hat gotten us detention.

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Derived from the type of girls found through cyber arrangement that for some reason allude the moral conscience of being concindered a prodtitute because they spend the night and cuddle.

John: What did you do last night?
Rob: Found a girl on the internet that I paid to come spend the night.
John: You got a prostitute?!?
Rob: No, she wasn't a prostitute, she spent the night.
John: You fuck her?
Rob: Yes.
John: You pay her?
Rob: Yes.
John: (Gasps!)

Rob: what's that about??
John: Girlfriends Arranged Seeking Payment even if they cuddle are still on the clock.

Rob: (Gasps)... holy shit, you're right. I got a prostitute last night!
John: We all need a good 'GASP' once in a while.

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Guest Adjourned Shit Predicament. The predicament one finds themselves in when busting for a shit whilst expecting a guest or visitor to arrive at any minute; thus forcing one to either take the gamble and snap one off and risk having their expected visitor arrive whilst defecating or hold onto it and hope that it goes back in.

Joel said he would arrive at 2:30pm it is now 2:35pm and I am really GASP'ing!

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