Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Apple pen?

It is a stupid song. Created by me.

Pen pineapple apple pen

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Apple pen - video


Apple pen - what is it?

PEN PINAPPLE APPLE PEN is a meme that is one of the greatest things ever

The funniest meme is pen-pinapple-apple-pen, I love it!

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What does "Apple pen" mean?

something that one guy sang about in that song you remember as a child but you don't know the guy who sang it. it was a very catchy song that you still remember all the lyrics.

pen pineapple apple pen would be indicated by one singing
i have a pen...
i have an apple
apple pen

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Apple pen - what does it mean?

A groovy song about pens, pineapples, and apples.
Referred to as "Gangnam Style #2"

Person 1: Apple pen. . .

Person 2: Pineapple pen. . .
*Groovy Music*

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Apple pen - meaning

Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen is a groovy song that you can find on YouTube. It's short and a bit funny since the guy in the video dances along to the music. (You should watch it if into weird stuff like that...)

Lyrics: Intro

*Groovy Music*

Verse 1
I have a pen, I have an apple
Uh! Apple-Pen!

Verse 2
I have a pen, I have pineapple
Uh! Pineapple-Pen!

Verse 3
Apple-Pen, Pineapple-Pen
Uh! Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen

*Groovy Music*
End Of Song

Apple-Pen, Pineapple-Pen uh Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen!

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Apple pen - definition

a dumn ass person that says that stuff

hi i am a pineapple apple pen

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Apple pen - slang

A pen that people waste the fucking money on, because paper is so outdated

Bro: Hey I just bought a new apple pen!

Other Bro: Why?

Bro: because paper is total shit

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Apple pen

It’s when you shove an apple up your ass and draw a smile face on the apple while screaming can’t have sex without a butt hole

When you’re in a winter storm and all you have is an apple and a pen it’s go time to have a apple pen.

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Apple pen

That shitty pointless pen that apple made.

I bought a apple pen for my new iPhone 6!

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