Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Annalena?

Annalena is a nice and perfekct guy!

Annalena is the most beautiful and the hottest! She has a great and relaxed character! All boys want it! She knows what she wants and gets it mostly! You can talk great with her because she is open to everything! She says her opinion openly! It does not interfere with what others think of her, she is one of the best friends you can have!She has nice tits and a nice ass! The rest of the body is just perfect! She is the absurd dream girl! Everything is perfect at her!

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Annalena - meme gif

Annalena meme gif

Annalena - video


Annalena - what is it?

A girl called Annalena is an awesome and very smart person. She is pretty, popular and succesful. Every guy loves her. She is intelligent and honest. She is always there for you and she always offers you a shoulder to cry on. She is a good listener and everybody like her. She has lot of friends.

I love Annalena. Annalena is awesome, isn't she? Annalena is my best friend.

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What does "Annalena" mean?

Sweet,beautiful and sexy girl. Is very intelligent and smart. She is have a group of friends and one best friend. She likes to be a active and sporty girl.

Jana: "Who's that girl with the long hair?"
Alec:" Annalena, she's a beauty."

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Annalena - what does it mean?

Annalena is simply a natural beauty. So you can definitely be so happy to have a girl like her. She is very shy at the beginning, but once you really know her then you never want to lose her again. She just has such a beautiful smile and a magical charisma. You can just love them. She is very loving and caring, if something is missing she is there for you.

Annalena is so beautyfull today, wow!!

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Annalena - meaning

Annalena is simply a natural beauty. So you can definitely be so happy to have a girl like her. She is very shy at the beginning, but once you really know her then you never want to lose her again. She just has such a beautiful smile and a magical charisma. You can just love her. She is very loving and caring, if something is missing she is there for you.

Annalena is today so gourges.

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Annalena - definition

Annalena is a girl who has only horses in her head. Her parents have a farm where Annalena has learned to ride. Annalena got several Wenndy Magazines (horse magazines) and loves to read/watch Bibi and Tina (some german girl stuff). She has an emotional bounding to her horses because she has no friends in school. She always blames others for hating her even though she is the one sneaking at others, not showering for weeks and wearing the same damn brown pants for years.

Michael: I like to read books and enjoy nature
Mehmet: Omg, stop beeing such a Annalena

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Annalena - slang

Annalena is not a normal person. She is the smartest of the smart, the funniest of the funny, the most beautiful of the beautiful. When you see her, all you want to do is to crush and eat her. Btw she tastes like a cucumber, and I LOVE cucumber.
ATTENTION tho: she also bullies people and has an aggression problem. Luckily, her arms are spaghetti so it won't hurt when she hits you.
All in all, you can say that life without Annalena wouldn't make any sense, so everyone needs an Annalena in their life

Look, there's Annalena the sea cucumber!

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A beautiful italian Girl with most of the time blue eyes, she gets always a few watches from boys.
at the beginning they won't admit if but one day they have to!

Oh look there is annalena giulia, the new girl in the city!

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When your grandpa shit in your dog's mouth when you were little and now you're thinking about it every time you masturbate

Hey dude, what are you thinking about when you masturbate?

Dirty Annalena man, it makes me super horny


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A whore who would steal your crush and kiss him infront of you, just to make you feel bad. She would find out your biggest secret and tell it everyone. She is a bish

Omg, she kissed my boyfriend! Such a Annalena

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