Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Analing?

Sweet girl who looks sweet on the outside and is even nicer on the inside. However watch out and don’t get on her nerves because she will roast you. Always there for you when you need her and is a super pretty girl. If you find her, never let go, she is an amazing person.

-Hey you see that beautiful girl over there?
-Yeah that’s Anallely! Go talk to her, she’s super kind!

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Analing - meme gif

Analing meme gif

Analing - video


Analing - what is it?

What to avoid in prison.

After dropping my soap, I just let it be so as not to incite an anal rampage.

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What does "Analing" mean?

its like having a dick in your ass

i've never tried anal...whats it like? it's like having a dick in your ass

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Analing - what does it mean?

To take or be taken up the anus, trap two, sayloch, poop shoot, chocolate starfish etc

If you go to Caesars in Codnor it's twenty quid for a hand job, or for a hundred you can get analized!

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Analing - meaning

A beautiful and amazing girl inside and out. She is selfless, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, loyal....the list could go on and on. She knows when somethings up and will be there with a pint of ice cream and romance movies in a flash. She stands up for whats right. She may not think so, but boys drool all over her. She is a one in a million and you'd be lucky to have her as a friend.

"Have you seen Analou? She looks gorgeous today.

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Analing - definition

Something that may happen when you are trying to lose your virginity but you are too tight and it slips in the wrong hole

We couldn't get it in and it slipped causing me to scream wrong hole, and that's the first time I did anal

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Analing - slang

A beautiful word that can be described in various ways:

Dick hole in the butt hole
Sausage in the bun
Pee-pee in the poo-poo
Charlie in the chocolate factory

+Hey babe, what's up

-Nothing interesting, but my ass is horny, you wanna do anal?

+Oh yes the old pee-pee in the poo-poo


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Always nourish and love

My friend's depressed, what should I do?
Give them anal! That should help them!

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1. Fucking but analing
2. Butt sex
3. Successfully accomplishing your goals with your anus.

1. They were analing all night
2. She felt good after analing all night
3. Often happen on National Anal Day (April 8)

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One that goes hunting for anal.

Rachel went analing in the forest.

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