Definder - what does the word mean?


The fastest-growing youtube channel containing 4 teenagers. They have when of the best videos and is famous for the quote, "Bring your neck here." I would recommend subscribing to their content because they're hilarious.

Yo bro check out that new Adrenaline Squad video is the funniest video ever.

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ADRENALINE - meme gif




ADRENALINE - what is it?

Some one who seek out and craves thrilling adventures and/or activities to get an adrenaline rush.

Carey Hart flipped his bike backward because he is such the adrenaline junkie.

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What does "ADRENALINE" mean?

a boner from doing exiting things like getting a new console, skydiving, zip lining over revenes, sudden drops in an airplane, or getting to a fight

person 1: dude, i had a giant adrenaline boner from skydiving yesterday, it was rock hard
person 2: nice!

👍25 👎11

ADRENALINE - what does it mean?

A boner that pops during a rush of adrenaline, in a completely non-sexual way.

When we were going up the lift on the roller coaster, my balls started tingling. At the bottom of the first drop, I had a full-on adrenaline boner.

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ADRENALINE - meaning

The first full length, major label album by the emo/hardcore band the Deftones, released in August 1995.

High school kid: Hey, I have both of the Deftones'albums; White Pony and the self-titled.

Anyone who is not such an asshead: You stupid little prick; learn to read and use Wikipedia; they have five albums, the first being Adrenaline from '95. I hope your cock gets caught in a combine, assshead.

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ADRENALINE - definition

What happens when you play rockband all night.

I got a adrenaline last night.

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A chemical once entered into the blood stream makes the human body capable of the impossible

On adrenaline I won't stop

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A highly intoxicating substance released in the body when one is doing something totally bad-a

Jumping off shit is an adrenaline rush

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Substance secreted by the body when someone is experiencing fear,excitement...makes the heart beats faster and slows digestion..normally dogs can smell it that`s why they attack when feared.

-I was excited,everybody was screaming the adrenaline was pumping I jumped and caught the rim..
-The fans were jubilant, raucous, their adrenaline running high

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When you get adrenaline from anger, fear, or sorrow you get energized, blood rushes through you and your heart beats faster. Useful for fights, as when you have an adrenaline rush you hardly feel punches and your blows will hit much harder.

He started pushing me and shoving me, and I got adrenaline stacked up. The rage and adrenaline led me to beating his ass, and I'm lighter and smaller than he is.

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