Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 29 may?

National send nude$ day. You can send noods without being a hoe

you: ayo shawty it’s may 29…
someone: shit

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29 may - video


29 may - what is it?

national be extra nice to your girlfriend day!

bf: hi babe! today is may 29, the national be extra nice to your girlfriend day !
gf: is that a thing?!

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What does "29 may" mean?

National be nice to your girlfriend day

The day where you show your appreciation to her, and give her the upmost respect and affection

Dude!! You should give your girl flowers, it’s May 29
Man, don’t be so mean to Jessica, it’s national be nice to your girlfriend day

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29 may - what does it mean?

People born on this day typically are fucking geniuses, lowkey sexc, and are always down to pound so hit their line asap if they aint taken frfr.

Christian is so smart and handsome im soooo dtf. I wonder if all kids who share May 29th as a birthday are like this?

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29 may - meaning

National punch anyone name Zach day

Noah- Zach its May 29
Zach- o shit
Noah- *uppercuts zach

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29 may - definition

the day a meme lord was born, often referred to as "pepe's birthday". also, many mixtapes were dropped this day. most people get excited to hear the new ones coming out this day each year.

may 29 is the best day of the year, so many fire memes and mixtapes get dropped!!1!!

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29 may - slang

This is a day we’re only the most handsome, pretty and awesome people are born. If you meet someone born on this day, DONT LOSE THEM

Girl 1: Man, Andrew is SOOOO cute, how does he do it
Girl 2: It’s because he’s born on May 29

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29 may

Only the hottest and smartest people are born on this day.
If you were born on 29 May I'm jealous of you.
You're such a sexy person you're literally the best person.
People born on this day are smart and also funny

They also like some good sex sometimes.
So if you a girl/boy born on 29 May be proud of you.

A: Who is this girl there?

B: oh that's the new girl from school,i heard she's born on 29 May


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29 may

National fuck melinda in the ass day

Ow my ass

Shut the fuck up Melinda it 29 may

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29 may

Boys born on May 29th are sex pros, they will pound you so good you won't be able to walk for a week

Marcus: Apparently, John has a 12 inch glizzy
Jake: It's normal, Jake was born on May 29th

29 may boys have big sticks

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