Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zuk?

person who in love with two men named Kim Seungmin and Kento Yamazaki. Her biaswrecker is Lee Know.

zuk is also has a good taste in music

👍25 👎11

zuk - meme gif

zuk meme gif

zuk - video


Zuk - what is it?

A dyan of all dyans! Okay?!!


The Zuks of all Zuks! What is it maaaaan!!!

👍25 👎11

What does "zuk" mean?

gay retard

zuk is so gay

👍25 👎11

Zuk - what does it mean?

Excessively playing dead by daylight.

-where have you been all day?
-I was zuk-zuking for 40 hours

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Zuk - meaning

A title given to the ace of a certain area, it may pretain too a sport, subject area such as something school related, or video games, or etc,

He's so beast at football, he's a zuk.
Omg did you see the zuk that just broke the arcade record.
Did you see zuk tear up the fielld just now?!!!?

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Zuk - definition

Short For Suzuki Vehicles. Most commonly the Samurai.

D00d Your Jeep got Pwned by that Zuk!1!

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Zuk - slang

Zuks is a quiet person with anger problems. He is commonly known for having a bbc, and falling for girls with the name of "Labronce", commonly referred to as "Bron" for short. Once the Zuks has found his mate, he is bonded for life and no other girl can break it, unless she has huge tits and ass.

Trev: "Hey guys, can anybody bench Bron for me?"
Zuks: "I can't, but I know my bbc can lols (slowly unzips pants)."
Labronce: "(winks), alright, alright, alright."

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The nation founded by the almighty zeus, the one who created a deep state that controls every aspect of the group. There is no freedom in ZUK, there is no liberty. It is all because of the almighty zeus, he created the DAA. The DAA is the most liked department. God bless ZUK and God bless zeus!

Yo, Skyquere! My zigga, you fuck with that ZUK anti-DAA shit? Cuz ion f widdit

Nurhan Hafiz wants to kidnap your daughter.

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I scored a zuk!

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Hmmm... seems to me like your doing the "Remove the first and last letters of your name" with izuku! anyways i love izuku but there is no definition sorry!

Zuk (Izuku) is a cinnamon roll or Zuk can be used as a nickname for izuku

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