Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zoby?

A pussy that gets slapped up by gals

Don't be a zoby

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zoby - meme gif

zoby meme gif

zoby - video


Zoby - what is it?

Named after Ben Zobrist, Zoby is the name of a dog who thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail, and is star of the book, "Zoby: Small Dog, Big Adventures on the Appalachian Trail"

Did you see the way Zoby scrambled up those rocks on the AT during his hike?

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What does "zoby" mean?

70s slang for a marijuana cigarette

Hey man, let's burn a zobie.and play some xbox.

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Zoby - what does it mean?

busting in a girls eyes running away and screaming her name so she walks around the house like a zombie, looking for u

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Zoby - meaning

The zoby language is a language made by zoby in 2017. It is primarily doggo lingo and English, with some other words that are..... interesting. The language was made well zoby was being herself, saying words weirdly on purpose. Her friends labeled the her dialect as a language, and this page on urban dictionary was born. Zoby’s cat, out!

“Do you know zoby language?”
yes, I am fluent in zoby language.”

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Zoby - definition

A pussy that gets slapped up by zakir

Don't be a zoby fight like a man

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Zoby - slang

how red necks say zombie

theres a zobie in my boot

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its penis in arabic

dude(zobi kabber) means dude i have a big penis

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Breathing pug go brrrrr

I died in bedwars??? I'm such a zobie!

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