Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yashy?

Yashi is hot 🔥 and sexy

Yashi is hot to handle

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yashy - meme gif

yashy meme gif

yashy - video


Yashy - what is it?

I Love You Saya 💖🌍

Baccha 🌍 Yashi ❤️

👍27 👎11

What does "yashy" mean?

A fan of osu and loves the number 727

that guy is just like yashy.He plays so much osu

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Yashy - what does it mean?

When you tell someone they can fuck only if they bring a pack of cigarettes they show up ready to smash but your at work

That boi thought he was going to smash but he just got Dirty yashi

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Yashy - meaning

Yashi is full of hotness. She thinks that she is ugly but she is very beautiful.All boys have crush on yashi.she is a beauty of world....she is very sexy. She is so cool. she likes to stay mingle .she have weird crushes. She attracts from boys.she thinks that boys don't like her but she is truly wrong boys have crush on yashi......she is coolest.......she is beauty

Yashi is so hot to control

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Yashy - definition

a person who spends 24/7 on tumblr looking at funny posts and laughing in a dark room.

she is the swaggiest bitch in town.
her fantabulous face makes her look like a fucking angel whose fallen from the 6th floor (art department).
her jokes are dope as fuck, and she is probably addicted to takalua.

Andreas : 'Dude how long were you on tumblr for last night'?
Barbeque : 'I was on for hours...'
Andreas : 'Whoa you're such a yashi!'

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Yashy - slang

The absolute demise of the person who's the recieving end of the conversation. In simple terms, it means you're uglier than Yash.

Melon: You're really yashy 🥰
Sushi: Go away, I've been killed.

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she is a awesome person and one with whom everyone wants to hang around.

She has the best fashion sense.

She the kind of person that are very hard to f in nd and tend to stay with you forever.

She is a very loyal friend.

Is the type whole tweets you never wanna miss.

She the the best of the best

That girl was so cool 😎.

She is definitely a Yashi!

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