Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yare?

Absolutely amazing , stunning , beautiful, gorgeous ... you name it , her smile will take your breath away , and her eyes ? Flawless . She has such a good heart and couldnt be compared to anyone else in the world because she is one of a kind , and to have her is a blessing

Yarelis is amazing

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yare - meme gif

yare meme gif

yare - video


Yare - what is it?

Yared. Amazing personality and doesn’t let anyone get in his way. Has all these amazing friends. Can count on this one special friend. Loyal, smart, kind, caring, loving, hot, amazing, a smart person to be with. He’s kind and loves everybody. He also keeps his head up and keeps going on.

Girl 1: wow I wish I New a yared he seems so lucky

Girl 2: ya I wish I could find me a guy like him

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What does "yare" mean?

Has a bubbly personality, is shy the first time you meet her, girls with this name tend to be quiet but super outgoing,Is really pretty, loves black people, she's really nice to people but has a hidden attitude so watch out you reach that point 'cause Yarelys' will snap, has A LOT of friends and tends to be popular but Yarelys keep their most trusted friends to a minimum and hangs out with her closest friends a lot, Sometimes gets mistaken as anti-social but she's not she's just quiet so approach her because she's nice and a very lovable person and very independent so she isn't afraid to stand alone. Yarely is a girl name .

Person 1: Yarely is so quiet does she talk to anyone?
Person 2: Yarely is not quiet you probably just don't know her well.
Person 1: Maybe you're right I've only seen her.
Person 2: Get to know her she's very nice and lovable you're gonna end up loving her watch.
Person 1: Okay I will get to know her then thanks for telling me.

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Yare - what does it mean?

Yareli is such a loving person with a kind heart but doesnt know how to express her feelings torwards people/things. She is such a smiley person and funny! Yareli is so beautiful although she can change moods real quick. If you ever have a chance to meet a Yareli she is a handful but is worth it!

Girl: "Have you talked to the new girl Yareli?"

Me: "No she seems very quiet but fun!"

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Yare - meaning

A japanese term that's equivalent to 'shake my head' and 'facepalm'.

Other definitions also mentioned other good translations but I wanted to add something new.

Still trying to impress that girl when she clearly isn't interested in you? yare yare.....

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Yare - definition

Yare yare is a word the all saiki k fans can not get out of there head

Saiki : yare yare
Fans : 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Non saiki fans: are u ok

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Yare - slang

A Japanese expression that can be used to express relief or annoyance, often without a strong sense of enthusiasm. The phrase is sometimes modified with the particles "da" and "ze" to create "yare yare daze," (γ‚„γ‚Œγ‚„γ‚Œγ γœ) which makes the expression sound masculine and more "rough." The closest English translation would be "good grief."

The phrase is most commonly associated with the protagonist of the manga Stardust Crusaders, Kujo Jotaro, who uses it to express annoyance. A variation of the phrase is also used by his daughter Jolyne in the sequel manga Stone Ocean.

In actual conversation, use of the phrase is infrequent, but it is used ironically to make one's conversation sound artificial.

γ‚„γ‚Œγ‚„γ‚Œγ‚„γ£γ¨η€γ„γŸ (Yare yare, yatto tsuita). (Good grief, here we are at last).

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Yare yare is a word that has a meaning of Kusuo Saiki, it is used when something is boring, annoying or needs to be perfected.

Saiki k.:"yare yare"

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good grief... why did you search this

Jotaro: Yare Yare

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imagine being that guy who's able to say "yare yare" in his everyday life

Jotaro: yare yare

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