Definder - what does the word mean?

What is xane?

a guy who is about to nut

xaidens gonna bust but xanes gonna nut!!!

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xane - meme gif

xane meme gif

xane - video


Xane - what is it?

sexy guy with bug bunda that makes the ground shake. zaddy xane be thick af

Xane is a faggot

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What does "xane" mean?

a cutie

person1: Xane is cute
person2: yes

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Xane - what does it mean?

xaNe is one of the best hack vs hack players since 2k10 uff ya, some people call him a legend. He's a leader of a team called: MAVERICK'

WOW! xaNe is really an hvh legend!
God I wish I was xaNe.

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Xane - meaning

Xanes are usually very quiet and unnoticeable until you get to know them. When you get to know a Xane they are funny, goofy, outgoing and not afraid to show their real personality when their friends are around. Xanes are always usually smiling if you are one of his true friends. If you ever get the chance to know a Xane you should really become friends with them.

Sam: Hey, do you know Xane?
Alex: Yeah, he’s always so quiet.
Sam: No he’s not he’s really funny when you get to know him.
Alex: Oh really sounds great I wanna meet him.

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Xane - definition

He is a Muffin.

wow i wish i was a xane

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Xane - slang

xane is a man that is a man and a man is a man

hey you know xane

Isn't xane a man thats a man wich is a man

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I sweet kid that can sometimes be taken for granted. He can be kinda clingy and a badass but he's awesome. Also very good looking

Wow I wish I was Xane

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