Definder - what does the word mean?

What is what the quan?

similar to wtf. orignally used in the beginning of a sean kingston song.

guy: dude look at that girls getup

other guy: what the quan?

👍39 👎17

what the quan - video


What the quan - what is it?

Used for when something unexpected or stupid happens, used like what the hell.

What the quan is wrong with that guy's face?

👍73 👎27

What does "what the quan" mean?

a family friendly term for WTF/WTH, usually used when something surprising or strange happens. Is also used in the same context as most "what the..." phrases.

Man 1: *pulls out a bag of dead cockroaches* guys. look at this!
Man 3: what the quan is 'what the quan'?

👍55 👎17