Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wavis?

Wavis is a compound formed when you take the chemical solution,
Dexamphetamineate Methatide and Ambrosetextide, and soak it into bread.
Once the bread is dry, it is completly harmless and is undetectable drug wise.
The 'Wavis' at this stage is unusable, until toasted. Once the bread is toasted, the chemicals are reacted together and once eaten, it's a very potent 'trip' drug.

It is possible to use wholemeal/brown bread, but the potency is reduced if either is used.

The main problems with wavis is it being a photo-sensitive combustion compound.
(take a photo usign a flash and it will combust due to the intensity.)

The word Wavis can be used in relation to the drug.

- Do you want some 'wavis'.
_ Are you having 'wavis'.

Wavised wah-vis-ed
- I was propa 'wavised' last night.

Wavied wah-vee-d
- You were propa 'wavied' last night.

👍73 👎37

wavis - meme gif

wavis meme gif

wavis - video


Wavis - what is it?

Got swag, got style, well dressed, clean , fresh, mobbin, dope as fuck.

Detroit,MI Artist goes by the name of wavy. @ItsWavy on twitter. join the Wave or catch a fade.

👍831 👎549

What does "wavis" mean?

the word everyone started using when they hopped on Max B's dick... roughly translates to mean somethin is real nice, or somethings good... basically it just has an overall positive connotation

1. yo dat car is wavy.
2. i'm feelin real wavy right now.
3. i'm ridin max b dick so hard yo, shit is wavy!

👍2959 👎1493

Wavis - what does it mean?

adj.) To be fly, impressively dressed, attention seeking through the way you're clothed. To wear nice attire.

Damn girl!, that guy Phats over there is so wavy!

👍3673 👎1579

Wavis - meaning

Trying to get with a girl who already has a boyfriend.

Bro stop pulling a Wavis.

👍25 👎13

Wavis - definition

Under the influence of alcohol or drugs

I can barely remember what I did last night, that liquor had me too wavy.

👍307 👎99

Wavis - slang

the new futuristic way of describing something in a positive connotation, popularized by rapper Max B

What you talking about, I'm the wave man, the silver surfer, I'm wavy B

Anybody that know me know I'm the waviest

👍5641 👎2107


The quality or state of being Wavy or Wavey.

Max B: So you think you wavy huh?
Cooli Carlito: My Waviness is untouchable

👍25 👎11


Your style is unique fresh also if you are listening to new unique beat or song.
is something so cool n chill to use

oh damn your outfit so wavy where did you get that...
aye that haircut looks wavy which barber did that....

👍701 👎103


description word that describes something to be good and positive

person 1:"yo yo, what u think about these shoes?"

person 2:"yo, them kicks are wavy homie!"

👍101 👎17