Definder - what does the word mean?

What is waunakee?

waunakee is the worst place to live, if you live here, you need to be shit faced. 24\7.

waunakee, is the gayest place in america.

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Waunakee - what is it?

Waunakee, also known as White-a-kee, is a small farming town near the capital of Wisconsin, Madison. The population is literally 99.999999% white, and there is nothing to do there. In order to survive there, you need to be a badass at sports, or be smashed twenty-four/seven.

People from Waunakee: Fuck, Waunakee is the definition of faggotry (aside from Deforest that is).
People from anywhere else: Fuck, Wauankee just kicked our asses at everything. I bet they piss excellence.

👍269 👎109

What does "waunakee" mean?

Village in Dane County, Wisconsin that is often called "La La Land" due to its very friendly neighbors, town sports spirit, alcohol consumption of residents, and MILFs.

Man, I felt like I was in Waunakee last night.

👍45 👎13

Waunakee - what does it mean?

Town located in Wisconsin where each morning everyone wakes up and pisses excellence.

Man I hate Waunakee because they dominate my school at everything.

👍603 👎161

Waunakee - meaning

Place where the MILFs like to party during the week, but still take their kids to school in the morning themselves.

Those moms acted like they were from Waunakee last night.

👍59 👎13