Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vedansh?

Someone who thinks that he has all the knowledge in the world and doesn't thinks so correctly. A Vedansh is also a person who is strong by his tongue but weak by body hence when he uses his strong tongue he gets beaten up.

Vedansh is absolutely cunt.

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vedansh - video


Vedansh - what is it?

Someone who thinks that he has all the knowledge in the world and doesn't thinks so correctly. A Vedansh is also a person who is strong by his tongue but weak by body hence when he uses his strong tongue he gets beaten up.

Vedansh is absolutely cunt

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What does "vedansh" mean?

Vedansh Mehra is number 1 bhadwa his real name is cocain and he is the real father of chuditya Chudoria.
Vedansh Mehra is also known as Chudansh chudehra.

Vedansh Mehra is chudansh chudehra..jitty likes utty iski gend me lund

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Vedansh - what does it mean?

Someone who thinks that he has all the knowledge in the world and thinks so correctly. A Vedansh is also a person who is strong by his tongue but weak by body hence when he uses his strong tongue he gets beaten up.

He said he can do anything your dad can do, he must be a Vedansh.

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Vedansh - meaning

He is the most amazing person in the whole world and will have your back no matter what . He will be the perfect life partner he will not betray or cheat anyone who is involved with him .

Wow I found a vedansh

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Vedansh - definition

A talented and creative young person. Capable of solving any practical and emotional problems. He’s very fragile emotionally, but they tend to mask it without help.

WOW! He is a bright Vedansh

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Vedansh - slang

Vedansh is a strong , intelligent and handsome person. He can solve any problem very easily. Vedansh is the one that everyone want him in there life. Vedansh is a person who is strong by his tongue as well as body so, don't try to mess with him. Vedansh have a leadership qualities he is honest and very dedicated toward his dream.

Vedansh is awesome.

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