Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vaJJ?

A vajj is the female part on JJ's body.

JJ: My vajj smells fresh like a summer breeze.

👍25 👎11

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vaJJ meme gif

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VaJJ - what is it?

a vagina that smells fowl.

Man, that bitch got a stanky vajj.

👍43 👎19

What does "vaJJ" mean?

Another word for vagina because sometimes the word vagina is a little to inappropriate

my vajj is bleeding

👍25 👎11

VaJJ - what does it mean?

1.Vajj a term derived from the John Jay HS Vagina scandal, followed by the need to say vagina by shorted to vajj

No, way you go to the vajj school!

👍151 👎115

VaJJ - meaning

Shortened version of vagina.
Variant of vaj

the vajj is so old-school, i'm an anal-only type of guy.

👍517 👎279

VaJJ - definition

different way to say Jimmie Johnson

hahahaha VaJJ wasn't able to make the playoffs

👍25 👎11