Definder - what does the word mean?

What is up the cake?

tearin it up yo

Tearin up the cake. My boy and I were eating some cake last night and this morning and we tore it up. It was so good we couldn't stop. Means: Going beyond normal. Having the best time ever. Excess in the best way possible. Used in a sentence... We were tearin' up the cake last night, yo!

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up the cake - video


Up the cake - what is it?

The disastrous results of shitting yourself and seeing what the contents of your undergarments look like

Egad I've got 3 and 3/4 lbs of mashed up Dundee cake in the seat of my pants right now

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "up the cake" mean?

When a chick shits on your face and you lick it then she has her period to mix with it then u cum on the shit and take turns eating it

try the Up side down angle cake

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Up the cake - what does it mean?

A sex position where one partner ties the other’s feet to the ceiling and pleasures themself with their partner’s upside down mouth.

My girl’s freaky as fuck, we did a pineapple right side up cake last night and I nearly passed out.

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Up the cake - meaning

Break-up Cake (N) - 1. A cake presented as a gift after a break-up. A Break-up Cake may be decorated with parting words, or a hateful message. Break-up Cakes with hateful messages are usually returned to the givers face. A Break-up Cake may be a cookie cake.

K: Did you hear about Mike and Jessi?
L: No, what happened?
K: He broke up with her using a Break-up Cake.
L: Really? Well, I suppose that is precisely when a girl really wants some Cake.
K: Very true!

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Up the cake - definition

Speed things up or do things faster. Appeared on a Japanese t-shirt (engrish website).

DAMN, I'm so hungry.
It feels like I ordered that pizza hours ago!
I wish they'd HURRY UP THE CAKES!

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Up the cake - slang

Limerick slang for taking cock up the arse

I met this wan last night and she was mad for it up the cake.

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