Definder - what does the word mean?

What is unfunity?

Am activity that does not spark joy or is unenjoyable.

The 16 hour road trip in the crowded car was unfun.

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unfunity - meme gif

unfunity meme gif

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Unfunity - what is it?

Either you are a fan of incremental games, or you're patcail that can't name over 20 prestige layers, or you're a fan of fnm04. Basically like joe mama, such a bad joke.

Person 1: Hey.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: unfunity hahahahaha
Person 2: i hate you

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What does "unfunity" mean?

A large breasted woman who can wipe her ass with her own hooters

Cindy knocked me over with her unfun bags

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Unfunity - what does it mean?

not being able to be funny, or not capable to make people laugh.

Dave is really unfunable !

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Unfunity - meaning

Used to describe something which is not fun (or unfun, preferably).

Dude, exams were so unfunful.

I hate that guy. He's so unfunful.

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Unfunity - definition

An eternity of not having fun.

I will be stuck here in unfunity at this job.

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Unfunity - slang

1. the feeling you get when you are working in a building where no one likes you anymore, after disagreeing with co-workers they become subversive and underhanded and stop talking to you

2. how your life feels when you fuck up an affair you are having with the most wonderful, exciting, fascinating, beautiful person you have ever met in your whole life because you can't get your shit together, totally unfun

"Hey JP, no one wants you at the meeting, and you have been uninvited to cookie time, sorry man."

"You know, working in this building is unfun"

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not fun

k dude this game is unfun

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When someone gets stuck on one thing and can’t drop it to the point where they are no longer fun

Yo dude, that girl Aloo is so unfun, it’s unimaginable amounts of fun

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the evil opposite of fun. That which more approximates work, school, hell. The antithesis of a good time. Boring. Monotonous. Drudgery. Lifeless, limp, lame. No Fun.

Manufacturing widgets for Mr. Wanker's Widget factory is way unfun.

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