Definder - what does the word mean?

What is turbo-boosted?

a turbo shandy as described, using strong lager and smirnoff ice. but with extra boost of a single shot of vodka added. not to be confused with a twin charged shandy

i need to get wasted before the pub shuts, i'll have a turbo shandy with boost

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turbo-boosted - meme gif

turbo-boosted meme gif

turbo-boosted - video


Turbo-boosted - what is it?

The action of grabbing a mates hips mid sex and rapidly pulling and pushing up and down , hence speeding up the action just like a turbo boost

Johnny snuck into the room and helped his mate Fred out with a turbo boost, Jill enjoyed it.

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What does "turbo-boosted" mean?

momentarily turning off your car's air conditioner to hasten acceleration

Crap, this interstate traffic is like merging into the Daytona Speedway....time to engage the turbo boost!

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Turbo-boosted - what does it mean?

Something that invokes a feeling similar to what you experience after taking the first shower after a ten-day hiking trip

Wow, that movie was turbo-boosted!

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Turbo-boosted - meaning

Using a liquor-soaked tampon and plugging it into your anus to accelerate your drinking buzz.

Neil was late to the party so he did a Turbo Boost to catch up with everyone.

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