Definder - what does the word mean?

What is trotts?

n/ 1.A more Elaborate term for Diarrhea. 2. having the shits or the squirts.

"Stevo has the Trotty trotts so bad, he shit his pants while beding over to get his shoes."

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trotts meme gif

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Trotts - what is it?

A person who is full of shit. Literally full of shit. His skin is the only thing keeping the shit from pouring out and when he opens his mouth out comes shit. Also known as shit in a silk stocking or turd in a box.

That guy is a real Lord Trott.

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What does "trotts" mean?

The moment you're on the toilet and pass a phantom turd, and just as you go to wipe your ass you shit like crazy all over your hand. A surprise diarrhea wonderland, usually caused if you haven't eaten in weeks and suddenly decide to eat something small, then BLAM...Rich Trotts.

That is the last time I ever eat again, that peanut gave me the rich trotts last night! My hands ain't gonna smell right for days!

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Trotts - what does it mean?

What happens in the morning after eating a pound of whipped cream or halloween candy served by a skeleton. Often comes in spurts, spats, and squarts. Turds of low viscosity that often stick to the bottom of the toilet seat.

Jesus, after eating all of that halloween candy we got from that lady dressed up as a skeleton, I had the rich trotts this morning! My asshole hurts!

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Trotts - meaning

The high speed, high temperature, low viscosity diarhea that hits hard, fast, and often without warning. May be brought on by eating too much spicy, greasy, food. Often occurs at inopportune moments such as funerals, long road trips, and when stuck on busses.

Oh my! I had five of those fried burritos yesterday afternoon and it totally gave me the rich trotts!

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Trotts - definition

(Adj): A way of describing a journey of considerable distance.

Man, the shops are a trott from here

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Trotts - slang

The strange gunk that congeals on the shelves of refrigerators that haven't been cleaned in a long ass time

Damn, that Trott is gross

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The act of screwing someone over so badly you may as well have both stolen their home and sh*+ on their chest.

Dave trotted all over my family and I when his law firm evicted us from our home.

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the british version of the runs. In britain they do not run , they trott, so it is called the trotts.

person one:oh man, that girls got the runs.
person two: no, that's the trotts. we're in britain remember?

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diarrhea caused by food or drinks

I can't have coffee, it gives me the trotts

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