Definder - what does the word mean?

What is trailblazer's?

this means to do sexual things with a girl/boy who hasnt done anything yet. not neccesarily sex, but like fingering her for the first time, or giving him a handjob.

if im with a girl who has not done anything sexual at all and i make out and finger her..then i just trailblazed her/ am "trailblazing" her.

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trailblazer's - meme gif

trailblazer's meme gif

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Trailblazer's - what is it?

When someone fists you in the ass rapidly.

Man I was trailblazing her so hard last night, she shit on me.

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What does "trailblazer's" mean?

to spark on a trail

i'm 'bout to trailblaze bud

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Trailblazer's - what does it mean?

The act of walking flatulation eaving a trail of toxic odors in ones path.

Stu was trailblazing on the dance floor and cleared everybody off with his nasty gas.

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Trailblazer's - meaning

Leaving a trail of semen from a woman's chest down to her vagina in essence "leaving a trail"

Dude! I totally pulled a trailblazer on this hottie last night, I sprayed all over her so I would know where to go.

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Trailblazer's - definition

The act of letting a fart and then calmlywalking around the room to make sure everyone gets a taste of your ass.

I think that guy just got butt fucked. He let a trailblazer andit stunk like burning rubber!

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Trailblazer's - slang

Someone who you allow to proceed you and do all the hard/dirty work for you.

I let him be my trailblazer pushing his way through the thick crowd of people, and I casually walked behind.

We dropped out of a plane and found out our parachute wasn't working, so I made sure he was the trailblazer who hit the ground first, and my fall was cushioned by his splattered corpse.

I let him be the trailblazer who broke the young girl in, and later I gave her the night of her life.

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The act of spreading hot sauce on the johnson before having anal sex.

I wanted her to remember the experience, and there was some Tabasco handy, so I gave her a trailblazer.

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The act of smoking weed before/during a hike.

Person A: Hey, let's go trailblazing tomorrow.
Person B: I got the trail mix munchies.

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An NBA team located in Portland, Oregon, commonly referred to as the "Blazers." The franchise holds the longest consecutive playoff streak in history. The team is named the Trailblazers because of Lewis and Clark who passed through Oregon while exploring the West.

Dude 1: The Trailblazers are the best team in the NBA, Kevin Pritchard is a genius.

Non-Dude 2: Dude, the teams from LA are better.

Dude 1: LA sucks, you suck, your gene pool sucks.

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