Definder - what does the word mean?

What is toe jamming?

a Jamskating move where the skater moves his front two wheels on both skates in a pattern

The skater at Natz likes to toe jam.

👍85 👎161

toe jamming - video


Toe jamming - what is it?

After a girl jerks you off with her feet, you cum all over her toes.

Dam, i gave katie the best toe jam ever last night

👍147 👎253

What does "toe jamming" mean?

The shit that gets stuck between your toes after toe-fucking a girl in the ass

Dude, I toe fucked this bitch in the ass and after, I looked at my foot and there was toe jam between my toes.

👍111 👎173

Toe jamming - what does it mean?

Toe Jam (verb)- to deeply disturb an unspecting sleeping or awake victim by spearing them in the anus with your big toe.

Note* When toe jamming against denim extra effort will be needed.

1. "Susan you just need to go over there and toe jam him, he's such a jerk."

2. "Man, last i met girl last night she was so drunk she asked me to toe jam her."

👍121 👎177

Toe jamming - meaning

the tiny treats that accumulate between the toes of attractive female feet

"I enjoy eating the tasty toe jam I find between DragonLily's toes at the end of the day."

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Toe jamming - definition

sweaty and sticky build up of fungus and dead skin in between may also result in a rash

Damn that trollop Kiralee had some nasty toe jam

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Toe jamming - slang

the build up of sock lint that is mixed with toe sweat usually found in between the toes and tastes like chicken. sometimes greenish-grey color.

Did you pick your toe jam before you went to bed last night?

👍179 👎193

Toe jamming

An insulting reference to someone affiliated with the University of Southern California (also known as the "University of Second Choice" or the "University of Spoiled Children." The mascot of the University is one Thomas the Trojan, also known as Tommy Trojan. Thomas is often prophylactically sheathed in plastic in order to protect him from his admirers at that fine cross-town academic institution, the University of California at Los Angeles.

Did you SEE those Toe Jams crying all over their Cardinal and Gold jammies after Stanford spanked them?

👍869 👎743

Toe jamming

That grey-brown shit that accumulates between your toes. Primarily composed of dead skin cells, sock fluff and sweat.

"You eat your toe jam? No. No. That's way to disgusting."

👍1667 👎453

Toe jamming

Also known as TBF (Toe bumfuck), it is the sexual technique whereby one fucks someone in the ass with their toe.

"Last night, I was drunk and walking down Yonge street, and I went into an alleyway to puke. There was a naked hobo passed out there!"
"Did you puke on him?"
"No, I toe-jammed that motherfucker"
"Dude, wtf."

👍63 👎31