Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tipster?

Nien numb from star wars if he had a commentary YouTube channel and was a cool gamer dude.

I watched tipster expose edp hope his channel grows more. Dudes mustache is amazing.

👍25 👎15

tipster - meme gif

tipster meme gif

tipster - video


Tipster - what is it?

Tipster is a fat sack of shit who likes to project online about his insecurities. His suggestion to people suffering from mental illnesses is to chop their dicks off and wear dresses. Keep away from kids at all costs.

Based individual: Forigve them Father, for they do not know what they do.

👍27 👎11

What does "tipster" mean?

Is a term used when a lofi obsessed hipster wannabe from the poorer provinces poses as working class salt of the earth. These foul types pose as totally authentic and bullshit free in their own lives, but this is not the case. They have the same obsession with the superficial appearance of authenticity as their richer counterparts from Shoreditch who they are intensely jealous of. They have the same lack of original ideas and plunder the cultural production of previous generations and older musicians who they give no credit to. The only difference is that while the hipster goes digging in charity shops, the tipster goes digging at the tip and the house clearances of dead people. Despite pleading poverty, they seem to have cash to spare for music hardware and software.

A man from Shoreditch-on-Sea studying for a music degree, decided to make some hip hop reflecting the gritty reality of poverty and his urban ghetto life – using a £500 Technics deck, an MPC, Ensoniq and Akai samplers and a hi performance Mac running Ableton and Logic. But he was too mean to pay St Michaels Hospice for a copy Amen Brother and ripped of the internet. I knew he was a tipster.

👍25 👎11

Tipster - what does it mean?

One who drinks occasionally, either socially or on holidays or special occasions, and drinks just enough to get tipsy or buzzed and stops there.

Dude, I'm not for heavy drinking. I'm just a social tipster.

👍27 👎15

Tipster - meaning

1. An economist or investor who claims to know when the stock market has "bottomed out" based on inside information or a unique set of obscure metrics. 2. Someone who tells you to "get back in the market" because the turnaround has begun. 3. A charlatan.

Ted says we should start buying stock again because the semi-conductor market is firming up in Taiwan. He's one of those Turnaround Tipsters on CNBC.

👍181 👎25

Tipster - definition

1. Made popular by the America's Most Wanted weasel host, John Walsh, a minimization of the word snitch.

2. Someone who snitches on another.

"We here at America's Most Wanted want to thank our "tipsters" for calling in and turning in their own neighbor based only on some accusations made by police. Great job folks!"

👍33 👎49

Tipster - slang

Someone who provides information to a criminal organization that would aid in a crime for a future date.

10 percent of all cash found went to the Tipster

👍31 👎17


1. A person that gives tips to someone
2. An overall somewhat unelite person that relies on luck in winning in games such as counter-strike and uses skill to rely on just about everything else

1.He was an anyonomous tipster.
2.Look at the poor tipster's score.

👍47 👎37


The coolest nerds you will ever meet. :) Love you guys!

All hail the mighty Tipsters!

👍87 👎25


An attendee to Duke University's Talent Identification Program and had to have scored above a 540 in Math or Verbal on their SATs. Ages ranging from 13 to 17.

The tipster spent most of his time studying and was able to snag a 700 on his Verbal SATs at the age of 14.

👍169 👎35