Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the whoopee cushion?

When you Beat your balls so relentlessly and mercilessly till you crap yourself

Hey mat yesterday I gave myself a Brown whoopee cushion, I was cleaning shit up for hours.

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the whoopee cushion - video


The whoopee cushion - what is it?

Blowing cocaine out of one’s anus through farting in a Lebron James fashion.

I was about to stick it in Stacey’s ass, but little did I know she had a Colombian Whoopee Cushion waiting for me.

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What does "the whoopee cushion" mean?

As you are downstairs giving some oral satisfaction to your lady-friend, get nose deep in her snatch and start blowing air into her deep, deep gulch. When she pulls away, punch her in the stomach and when she queefs, yell, β€œSpokane Whoopee Cushion!”

Donna left Aleksandr because he wouldn’t stop giving her Spokane Whoopee Cushions.

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The whoopee cushion - what does it mean?

when 2 people press their buttholes tautly against each others, and one person farts into the other's butthole

Last night, Frederico gave me a siamese whoopee cushion. It was even better when i blew it back into his butt.

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The whoopee cushion - meaning

Another term for sharting, which occurs when one tries to force a fart and craps instead.

"Sorry, boss, I got to go"
"What? Why?"
"Chocolate whoopee-cushion, just trust me"

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The whoopee cushion - definition

When a woman has been fucked so hard that her vagina forces queefs to occur with every step (for the rest of her life).

Guy 1: "Hear that squeak?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, what is that?"

Guy 1: "I whoopee cushioned your mom last night, better get used to it."

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The whoopee cushion - slang

The act of blowing air into ones vagina then violently pushing down on her stomach to make her uncontrollably queef

I surprised Jenny with an Amsterdam whoopee cushion last night......... she beat the sit out of me

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The whoopee cushion

When someone is trying to fart in the face of another person, and they splatter diarrhea all over the inside of their pants.

"Would you rather have me Whoopee Cushion your sister, or . . . wha- wha- wait. No."

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The whoopee cushion

When you are going down on a girl, then blow air into her vagina. This results in her having to queef.

The tinder date went really well until I gave her the whoopee cushion. She sent me home straight after.

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The whoopee cushion

a practical joke device consisting of a rubber air bladder that makes a flatulence sound when sat upon

If I sit on another whoopee cushion I'll have to play a prank on they'll never forget.

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