Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the guck?

To hardcore fuck, usually in your moms ass.

Ey yo nigga, I gucked that dudes mom so hard!

👍131 👎165

the guck - video


The guck - what is it?

guck (n) / Goo that provokes one to express the word "yuck" when come to contact with it.

Anyone : "Eww, I just stepped in some guck. Yuck!"

👍73 👎67

What does "the guck" mean?

First of all 'Guck' does not mean to "fuck your mom" or whatever they put. It means dirty ok DIRTY

Damn these shoes are guck

👍85 👎81

The guck - what does it mean?

When you do a typo. For exemple, when you want to write fuck but you do a typo and write guck. Because of this typo (that I make regularely) you call any typo a guck.

(chatting on MSN)

person 1: sorry... but i cant make it to your party

person 2: (very frustrated) what the guck!!!!!!!!

person 1: guck?????

person 2: fuck* sry bout that

person 1: dnt worry bout it bud i guck a lot 2

person 1: dont* lol

👍149 👎133

The guck - meaning

The action of an erect penis being stimulated by deep-throat. Derived from the sound that is made, "Guck, guck, guck, guck".

Male 1 - "That girl totally blew me last night."
Male 2 - "I know, I could hear her gucking from my room"

Male - "Come on babe, suck this fat meat sword"
Female - "Guck, guck, guck, guck, guck, guck"
Male - "Oh yeah, here is comes"
Female - "Guck, guck, guck, guuuccckkk....."

👍63 👎25

The guck - definition

when ur pissed off and u press g instead of f

Person 1 - Guck off

Person 1 - GUCK OFF

👍45 👎13

The guck - slang

The act of two people of the same sex fucking. Also known as gay sex.

Rob is gucking Jack up the ass right now. He'll come to the phone in a minute.

👍165 👎47

The guck

The noise that is made when a penis is being deep throated.

Male - "Oh yeah, suck on this purple mushroom tip"

Female - "Guck, guck, guck, guck, guck"

👍351 👎109

The guck

The Noise A Female Makes When Choking On Dick.

Wanna Give Me Some Guck Guck?

👍75 👎29

The guck

The sound a person makes when deep-throating a cock, or when having their throat fucked.

"How you doing down there?"
"Guck guck guck guck guck..."

👍43 👎11