Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Strangler?

When there is an eyeball burning, paint peeling stink eminating from the factory rest rooms after lunchtime it is usually referred to as a latino strangler. It truly makes you wonder where you went wrong.

Oh fuck, another latino strangler.That damn beanerbeat me here again! I should have used the restroom at the Mobil station.

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the Strangler - video


The Strangler - what is it?

synonym for cigarettes. must be used in conjunction with the word "choker"

"hey slim? you chokin' back a strangler? i'll join you"

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What does "the Strangler" mean?

Attempting to give yourself a "squeezer" (very firm handjob ) with a hand that is asleep (The Stranger)

A Squeezer w/ A Stranger = A Strangler

I needed to jerk it with a little more pressure to cum but my hand fell asleep and I ended up giving myself a Strangler...

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The Strangler - what does it mean?

The act of a female grabbing a male's scrotum tightly with all fingers except the middle, which is inserted into the rectum. It is closely related to the shocker.

Man I thought I was going to get a blowjob last night, but she gave me the strangler instead; My balls turned blue.

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The Strangler - meaning

Men's black leather gloves.

That's a nice pair of stranglers you got there Michael. Did you buy those at O.J.'s garage sale?

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The Strangler - definition

Men's underwear so worn that testicles drop through holes and get the circulation cut off.

Jacob was walking funny at work because he obviously had a pair of stranglers on.

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The Strangler - slang

Tight-fitting Wrangler jeans.

Your balls will never forgive you for wearing those Stranglers.

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The Strangler

Mk 1: The finest band then and now. Ten albums of evolving, energetic, pulsating, melodic, funny and sometimes odd music. Great then, even better now when you listen to it again, as if for the first time. Cutting edge British classics, probably the most under rated of their time.

Those Stranglers kick ass!

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The Strangler

1)A mythical serial killer from Glasweigan folklore. Supposedly the Strangler was once called was a six feet tall imposing figure better known as who was quite fond of an ancient scottish bru known as 'The swally'. According to folklore The Strangler was quite fond of gripping a mates neck during copulation , which he denies was intentional. He was frequently known for stalking his prey into houses then being locked out and sleeping in the pishing rain for two hours. He was once rumored to have even inflicted some pishing rain upon himself. He also betrayed his whole city and refused point blank to give up the swally , resulting in everyone dying.

'ir you the strangler'

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The Strangler

The Stranglers are a great band. Much talent for creating excellent melodies, have been associated with punk rock, though they themselves and many do not consider themselves punk properly. Also associated with New Wave and Gothic movements, but The Stranglers are definitely in a class of their own, unconstrained by such genre definitions. Their bassist Jean Jacques, has a distinctive sound that has been an influence on all the best bassists. They were known to fight their audiences and win, being originally a pub rock band. Very witty lyrics, more subtle than other bands of their time, such as Sex Pistols.

Whatever happened to all the heroes? All the Shakespearoes? They watched their Rome burn...


The Stranglers forever!

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