Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the SWAMP?

One of the many projects in San Francisco, also known as Sunnydale.
A.K.A: Swampy Desert
The Dale

Hey my nigga, you know them beezys from "The Swamp"?

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the SWAMP - video


The SWAMP - what is it?

Ben Hill Griffin Stadium,home field of the university's Florida Gators football team

the swampswampgainesville swampufu of fgatorsflorida gators

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What does "the SWAMP" mean?

Past tense of swam

I swamped yesterday

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The SWAMP - what does it mean?

The name of Hawkeye and Trapper Johns tent/home on the original movie MASH(1970) as well as the series. Frequently used as a haven for consuming alcoholic beverages as well as cavorting with nurses.

One nurse to the other; they trapped me in the swamp.

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The SWAMP - meaning

To soil or piss oneself

1. Dan was so drunk he swamped himself

2. Just swamped me sen!

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The SWAMP - definition

A moist place that is inhabited by an ogre who wants his privacy.

What are ya doing in my swamp.

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The SWAMP - slang

When you shove your green painted cock in a wet vagina and scream: "This is my swamp now".

I'm not welcome anymore at my girlfriends place ever since her parents saw me swamping there daughter.

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When your teachers give so much homework and you have to stay up all night to finish it.

Friend: Omg you look tired
Me: Dude I was swamped with homework

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Describing yourself as being overworked when in reality you do not want to be given more work.

I can't take this new project becuase I am swamped.

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Swamp (swahmp)

1. Personal space.

β€œStay out of my swamp!”

β€œMake sure you fertilize your swamp everyday.”

β€œProtect me swamp!”

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