Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Killer Whale?

A fat person wid back boobs who wear tight tops..!!..!!.. see kunkle

im a pale face killer whale

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the Killer Whale - video


The Killer Whale - what is it?

The act of deliberately pulling down your shorts and taking a shit while swimming in the ocean. Bonus points for wearing black trunks, and pointing your pale ass out over the water while shitting.

I heard that the killer whale shows its face when a person eats pastrami chili cheese fries and goes out surfing...

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What does "the Killer Whale" mean?

When a male is fornicating a black female then ejaculates all over her eyes, neck, and stomach, resembling a killer whale

Man did you watch that one porno, "Seaman World," that chick just got a killer whale.

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The Killer Whale - what does it mean?

When a guy pops a girls cherry by headbutting her vagina then mouth ducks her

John: hey chris yesterday I gave emily the killer whale!
Chris: hell yes!

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The Killer Whale - meaning

A nonsensical adjective used to describe being drunk, first coined by a certain girl who had too much to drink on a crazy Saturday night with her friends.

R: On a scale of 1-10 how drunk are you?
A: Killer Whale.

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The Killer Whale - definition

To be catfished at the largest level. When someone gives the illusion that they appear like something when in reality they don’t look or act in a particular manner.

Bro was beyond cat fished, that guy got killer whaled. Lol 🀣

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The Killer Whale - slang

police officers.
law enforcement officers
crooked ass police officers

oh shit here come them killer whales!

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The Killer Whale

It is when you rip off the filter of a cigarette and smoke it with no filter.

"i just smoked a killer whale and now i am so dizzy"

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The Killer Whale

the animal that kids want to swim with even though it has the name KILLER in its goddamn name.

"why did the killer whale kill my son?"

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The Killer Whale

A cool dude who knows how to pick up women, and has a great deal of sweg.

Josh is such a Killer Whale, he got with 3 girls within this past week!

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