Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Hype?

When you get a sugar rush

I ate that sweet ass cupcake and now I got the hypes

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the Hype - video


The Hype - what is it?

A fad. A clever marketing strategy which a product is advertized as the thing everyone must have, to the point where people begin to feel they need to consume it.

Millions of suckers fell for the hype and bought a Playstation 2

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What does "the Hype" mean?

The act of being, insanely, dangerously, crazy, excited, or esstatic for something. You are so excited you feel a wace go through your entire body, and it gets so intense you feel as if you are going to have an out of body experience.

Molly -Yo, scott are you hyped?!
Scott - Are you fucking kidding! I cant wait!!!! LETS GET IT!

Molly - You good, your shaking!
Scott - IM HYPED

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The Hype - what does it mean?

a term used to describe someone, normally an average white girl, on tiktok who has gained a large amount of fame in a short amount of time for doing literally nothing. people then use the term to say β€œthe hype is gone”, β€œthe hype has been transferred”, β€œi don’t get the hype” which is honestly really annoying.

Charli used to have the hype, i mean at least she can dance, now that girl that pretends to be happy all the time has it.

Who’s next?
Probably another white girl.

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The Hype - meaning

Fun, crazy, wild or exciting

That party last night was hype man

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The Hype - definition

Something Tyler Joseph from Twenty One Pilots doesn't believe

Guy: Dude i don't get the hype about sprite cranberry
Tyler: Nice to know my kind, will be on my side, I don't believe The Hype

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The Hype - slang

when someone gets excited about something hype calm down homey.

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The Hype

1. Extremely excited, ecstatic, stoked, treed, pumped, psyched, jazzed, amped, revved, wired.

Has roots in drug culture (use of hypodermic needles) to get extremely high.

2. Exaggerated expectations created by over-promising or over-advertising hype.

1. I am hyped--my new surfboard rocks!

2. These crappy headphones were hyped.

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The Hype

Because "psyched" is too hard to spell

Person 1: Dude, are you excited?
Person 2: Hell yeah, I'm hyped!
Person 1: Why not say "psyched"?
Person 2: Fuck that.

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The Hype

A song by the ultimate UK garage MC (excluding dizzee rascal, wiley and the roll deep crew), SLK. SLK

Hype Hype! - by SLK ft. sticky and somr random person.

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