Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the AUS?

'Au' is also a Finnish word and it means the same as 'ouch' in English.

A: Viilsin vahingossa sormeni auki. (I accidentally slit my finger open.)
B: Au. (Ouch.)

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the AUS - video


The AUS - what is it?

"AU" - the symbol for gold on the Periodical Table of Elements

A valuable metal with a yellowish color

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What does "the AUS" mean?

A short way to say the word Australia.

KooLAusGuy: Aus is so cool!
Hotgirl645: Yes it is!

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The AUS - what does it mean?

The astronomical unit (AU or au or a.u. or rarely ua) is a unit of distance, approximately equal to the mean distance between Earth and Sun. The currently accepted value of the AU is 149,597,870,691 ± 30 metres (about 150 million kilometres or 93 million miles).

That star is x AU's away from Earth.

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The AUS - meaning

a Chinese internet fans group of the vitual youtuber group A-SOUL. AU is a homophone same to "A揋", meaning literally "the friend who is an A-SOUL fan". Unlike the insulting name "A/" meaning literally "the stack who watches A-SOUL", it is a more friendly name to call them.

"Why does AU appear in this place?"

👍25 👎11

The AUS - definition

A alternate universe, based off the game, but basically changed in some way.

Do you know what a AU is? A alternate universe, based off the game, but basically changed in some way.

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The AUS - slang

A fanfiction term meaning Alternate Universe.

An AU fic is a fanfic which includes elements of a book which are completely unfeasible.

That Harry Potter fic where his parents were still alive was totally an AU.

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1. A short used for "Alternate Universe" in fan fictions.

2. The measurement of distance between the earth and the sun, usually used in measurements, an abbreviation for "Astronomical Unit".

3. The abbreviation for the element "Gold" on the periodic table.

4. An short way to say "Australia"

1) In this Undertale AU, sans and papyrus swap places.

2) The distance between the earth and pluto is approximately 34 AU.

3) AU is very expensive and rare, a very weak but corrosion resistant element.

4) For my last vacation, I went to AU.

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AU simply means alternate universe in fan fiction forums. You take a famous person and make them unfamous, make them "normal."

In this story, Elvis never sang and he became a chef.

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Used to represent excitement or sensations not easily expressable with words. Often used at the beginning of a phrase/insult or as a greeting as well.

Au au! You are quite the ass.
Au au! I do quite know what's in the science topic test... Suckers!

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