Definder - what does the word mean?

What is that's hands?

me... my name, not a car

hande' is so fucking awesome... she's hot, smart and concieted for doing this.

👍321 👎75

that's hands - video


That's hands - what is it?

A fearsome stand which has the ability to scrape away things from existence including but not limited to: air, pottery, the ground, or metal. It can also decide to bring the user closer or the object closer. It replaces things when it scrapes it away with similar things for instance
Warning. Before scrape
Waing. After scrape... not wa ing

Okuyasu: man i want the tv remote. The hand scrape air please
The hand: *scrapes the air bringing the remote closer*
Okuyasu: thanks

👍101 👎21

What does "that's hands" mean?

An alternative to having a girlfriend

"I just got rejected again, oh well, guess it's just me and my hand again"

👍3935 👎841

That's hands - what does it mean?

A euphemism used to describe a kid who is an attention demanding jerk and allowed to behave badly wherever she goes. She wields control the over family while her parents do nothing to discourage it, in fact they may beam with pride over the behavior and even find it adorable. (See also: feisty, sparkplug, firecracker, pistol)

My 10-year old is such a feisty little firecracker, isn't she? She's the baby of the family and can be a real handful.

👍153 👎23

That's hands - meaning

performing an activity without the use of the hands

Why does Rover keep licking himself?
Because he has no hands.

👍1355 👎207

That's hands - definition

When someone is hard to handle

Gregg is such a handful

👍77 👎11

That's hands - slang

a type of fighting or combat without weapons. The term does not preclude use of other body parts, like legs, knees, and elbows. It also doesn't require that the entire fight be stand-up combat or exclusive of ground combat, like grappling and wrestling.

Those two drunk fuckers got into some mean hand to hand combat back outside the bar.

👍67 👎23

That's hands

A physical exchange of drugs for money or the crime associated with this act.

Van $tylez: What did you get locked up for back then?
AZ: Uhhhh, hand-to-hand.

👍75 👎25

That's hands

Two things being tied

I have three favorites they all go hand in hand.

👍131 👎47

That's hands

Committed to your soulmate, no matter what, United, showing of strength, 2 as one. To have true love.

Sarah and Justin are the definition of true love, they walk this earth hand in hand.

👍31 👎11