Definder - what does the word mean?

What is that's balls?

The ultimate dare from which a man cannot back down without incurring more loss of dignity than following through with the actual stupidity of doing the dare and suffering its consequences.

Bubba replied. "Whadaya mean 'no balls', I ain't skeert to piss on no electric fence."

👍1233 👎137

that's balls - video


That's balls - what is it?



👍6497 👎247

What does "that's balls" mean?

When a bitch be so fascinated wit' yo balls she be playin' round wit' em like she in vegas on a slot machine. or some shit. You think there be some ma'fuckin' lights and all them casino noises goin' off, the way she be actin'. Bitch think she gone won the damn jackpot, an' shit. Crazy bitch. Damn...

Yo, I jus' kicked it las' night while my bitch be playin' balls balls balls.

👍85 👎129

That's balls - what does it mean?

Pronun key: Ball-ball
Noun: A game
Ball ball is a game, where one person is holding a yoga ball, and another person charges at the Baller(The person holding the yoga ball). The Baller, is also knows as the Jumper, because, when the Charger, charges at the Baller, The baller jumps in the air, where normally, The charger and Jumper get bounced back for, or, the Baller, Ends up fliping, Around, Or Over the Charger.

Friend 1:Yo, lets go play some ball ball man.
friend 2:I'm still injured from the last time you flipped me when we played....
Friend 1:........So are we playing or are you a pussy?

👍57 👎41

That's balls - meaning

A unit of measuring time; it lies somewhere between "brief" and "just a moment"

Bro 1: "This machine is going balls to balls right now."
Bro 2: "Man, that is fast dude. That's some kind of record."
Bro 1: "Dude..."

👍41 👎21

That's balls - definition

Urban greeting, affirmation or agreeable gesture.

two people making fist bumps. "balls on balls" said as knucks touch.

👍51 👎23

That's balls - slang

The strange occurance of a male having three testicles.

Dude, I never knew you had ball balls!

👍75 👎31

That's balls

its like bigin up something the urban uk version would be "brap brap", or creating a hype whilst dancing, partying etc...
its Punjabi, and used in almost every punjabi song

Balle Balle Shava Shava

👍109 👎41

That's balls

phrase said when something sucks, or is crappy.

alba: where's your key?
elizabeth: i lost it.
alba: that costs 70 dollars to replace!
elizabeth: that's balls!

👍75 👎23

That's balls

another way to say that sucks.

jane: "my parents killed my cat"
john: "that's balls"

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