Definder - what does the word mean?

What is terri cloth?

Any piece of fabric other than toilet paper used to clean up buttocks and/or vaginal area(s).

After my bowel movement I realised I didn't have ant toilet paper so I grabbed a terri cloth that was laying on the floor to wipe my ass with.

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terri cloth - video


Terri cloth - what is it?

When somebody is so soft, passive, a punk ass bitch, like a terry cloth towel that wipes your ass.

He just got tackled so hard, and the opposing team is super aggressive and you’re acting so terry cloth.

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What does "terri cloth" mean?

A very nice cloth, can be used for anything but mostly for cleaning up very expensive wines.

Terry: Please pass me that terry cloth.
Barb: You named your cloth after yourself?
Terry: Yes and no Barb it's complicated.
Barb: How do you mean?
Terry: It's always been called a terry cloth but also I name all my cloth's Terry. Will you pass the cloth this burgundy is going to stain the carpet!

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Terri cloth - what does it mean?

Terry towelling is a soft material that is often used in baby nappies (or diapers).

By labelling someone a "terry cloth" you are indeed accusing them of being "very soft", or as eloquently put by Jim Jones at the end of Hate Me Now (a Nas diss by Cam'Ron ft Jim Jones), a "pussy ass nigga wit a dick".

Dipset bitch!

"You a terry cloth / That means very soft"

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Terri cloth - meaning

that means very soft

you a terry cloth that means very soft

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Terri cloth - definition

That means your very soft

-Im crying cause im sad
-Damn dude your Terry Cloth, this means your very soft

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