Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stunny?

Created by rapped 519Mid located in KW- Ontario Canada. Stunny is another word used for money, bag, bread or dollars. In the interview he stated he made it to stand out from everyone using the same lingo. Plural for Stunny is Stunnys.

My β€œStunny” is racked

I made a couple β€œStunnys” today

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stunny - meme gif

stunny meme gif

stunny - video


Stunny - what is it?

A lame ass rhyme; Soulja Boy.

"I got my hold click stunny"

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What does "stunny" mean?

A partner with whom you study for a test using the internet to speak to each other (verbally). Derived from the word Study Buddy.

Usually used when talking about someone with whom you study with regularly.

Tonight I am going to study with my Stunny Bunny!

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Stunny - what does it mean?

Stunny is slang for stunning. Pretty simple

god damn, that outfit is so stunny!

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Stunny - meaning

A combination of stupid (see. "stupid") and funny (see. "funny") that describes the event as both idiotic and humourous allowing each to interact together on an equal basis but do not detract from the overall events.

The "pineapple episode" last night of "How I Met Your Mother" was incredibly stunny.

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Stunny - definition

Staying Fresh, Staying Fly

Beeing a Stunna

That boi Frost-E is stunny

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