Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stank tank?

A girls crotch that smells like a rotting corpes or some fishy substance.

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stank tank - video


Stank tank - what is it?

the terrible smell emitting from a unwashed woman's vagina, called such for its similarity to a stinky tank full of turtles.

Myra was looking good today, but man did you smell that turtle tank stank?

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What does "stank tank" mean?

When your are at a party, Shit in the back of the toilet tank, so it always smells like someone just took a shit.(Usually isn't found for a couple days)

I was at this party and the persons toilet was clogged and I had to shit bad, It was either I shit in the toilet and left it for everyone to see, or Shit in the trash can and take it out, Fuck, I wasn't going to do either one of those, so I shit in the tank!!!! My friend called a plumber a few days later and that's what the plumber found,
The plumber called it the classic, "Stank in the Tank"

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Stank tank - what does it mean?

Stank tank is a word to describe a girl with a smelly sweaty vagina, often her vagina looks like trench foot.

Yo bro you fucked that Abby chick

Nah bro she got a stank tank

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Stank tank - meaning

STANK TANK (as in a smelly THINK TANK):
A statement or way of thinking which characterizes the quintessential right-wing negative view of almost anything which is the least bit progressive, fair, logical, equitable, humanistic, or generally helpful to the common public-at-large.

Stank-tanking stretches right-wing tenets β€”even moderate onesβ€” to a point which can only be described as irrational, unreasonable, cynical, grotesque, stupid, and often downright indecent (which, ironically, negates the "traditional moral values" right-wing tenet and renders it hypocritical). Usually racist, sexist, condescending and mocking of the down-trodden. Always short-sighted, selfish and narrow-minded.

Examples of STANK TANK:
-Corporations are people
-Women who use birth control are sluts
-Asians don't view life as "we" do: Life is cheap to them (quote from General Westmoreland, Vietnam era)
-College students are snobs
-"I'm unemployed too" (quote from millionaire, Mitt Romney)
-The unemployed are lazy
-"Work makes you free" (sign at concentration camp entrance)
-"Let them eat cake" (quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, when told that the people had no bread to eat)
β€œIf gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nailbiters.” (quote from Anita Bryant)
-Poor people deserve to be poor
-Black people should "go back to where they came from"
-Latinos are illegal until proven otherwise
-Global warming is a hoax
-If you've seen one Redwood tree, you've seen them all (quote from Ronald Reagan)
-The U.S. auto industry should go bankrupt
β€œ... homosexuals cannot reproduce they must recruit our children.” (Anita Bryant)
-Union workers are socialist thugs

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Stank tank - definition

The act of defecating into th gas cap compartment of one's automobile. Similar in nature to the "upper decker."

Jeremy: Hey, Travis, what's smell coming from your car?
Travis: Oh no...
Jeremy: What?
Travis: I got stank tanked!
Jeremy: The Stank Tank!

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Stank tank - slang

Booty. The fat ass of a smelly black girl

Damn have you seen Veronica's stank tank.

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