Definder - what does the word mean?

What is snow-globing?

When a guy finishes in partners mouth and shakes their head vigorously before they swallow.

He was snow-globing me so hard I thought my head was gonna pop off.

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snow-globing - meme gif

snow-globing meme gif

snow-globing - video


Snow-globing - what is it?

The art of partaking in Bukkake in zero gravity, utilizing the propulsion of the male ejaculate from considerable distance.

The interior of the shuttle ended up looking like a Winter Wonderland after Freddy and the Crew had finished Snow-Globing their participant.

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What does "snow-globing" mean?

The act of blowing bubbles with the semen in one's mouth.

After I came in her mouth she started snow globing. It was a bit messy when the bubble popped.

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Snow-globing - what does it mean?

A snow globe is the acting of blessing a bald head with your thick man-extract.

1.)After I shaved the bitch bald I proceeded in giving her a snow globe, twas a night we will both cherish for years to come.

2.)Father JE blessed his subordinate with a snow globe last saturday night.

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Snow-globing - meaning

To drive or ride in a vehicle while snorting cocaine. Where clam baking is smoking marijuana in an inclosed space, snow globing is doing coke in an inclosed space.

Dude, Tom and I got some Columbian nose candy and went snow globing in his car!

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Snow-globing - definition

when an astronaut is in space for about a week or two, soon gets horny, jacks one off and then the sperm floats in the ship with them due to the anti-gravity

neil, we just landed on the moon you couldnt wait to jack one off when we got home? its a giant snow globe here.

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Snow-globing - slang

When a couple is having sex with the girl on top, and the guy grabs her by the waist and starts to move her up and down to create faster, harder penetration. This motion resembles the shaking of a snow globe.

I was riding him cowgirl style last night, and he started snow globing me so he could finish.

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Something that your coworker told you not to search on urban dictionary. Also the name of a trick play the Kansas Chitty Chiefs attempted when they played the Raiders.

Did you see Travis Kelce and Pat Mahomes snow globe each other?

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The art of masturbating furiously into an electric fan so that the ejaculatory deposit is blasted out over the face of your partner.

Susan regularly met up with her boyfriend, Barry, with her electric fan for a spot of snow globing.

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American slang for "testicles".

I found out the hard way that a paintball shot square into the snow globes hurts like hell.

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