Definder - what does the word mean?

What is slaggering?

A Facebook Slagger is a person who is never online when needed, for example a Group chat where a topic is getting discussed or if hes just not online when all the other Brochacho's are going nuts on Face.

Brochacho 1: Dude, Frank is slaggin again.

Brochacho 2: Yeah, i just noticed; hes such a Facebook Slagger !

Brochacho 1: Totally !

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slaggering - video


Slaggering - what is it?

A radioactive bitch who has no friends and mooches off of celebrities for wet t-shirts. They have very big uni-brows which they hide all of there mustard in. You never want to fight one of these fat hoes... they will shit on your flavor and end your kill steak on call of duty... it has happened to many... it sucks. Just try to leave them alone when they huddle together in a corner to create sweat for their hideous crunch pies that they bake while you sleep.

>Dude! That sliggity slagger just got me at 24 kills!

👍31 👎13

What does "slaggering" mean?

A homie hopper with a vagina that smells so bad the homeboys only want head from her. Never has any money and always needs a ride!

Girls, keep your boyfriend, homeboys, husband, and dad away from that slagger.

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Slaggering - what does it mean?

The act of flying a long distance in order to have intercourse with someone you only know online especially when you only know them through the MMORPG World of Warcraft.

I can't believe Mike is slaggering on that Blood Elf priest he just met in the Deadmines.

👍27 👎13

Slaggering - meaning

Similiar to "homie" or "bizznatch."

"Sup, slagger,"

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Slaggering - definition


1. One who is a slag and proud of it. Derived from swagger + slag

2. One that posseses slagger

2. A excessively whorish/slaggish individual.

He/She has so much slagger!

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Slaggering - slang

1. somone who is despirate and likes to sleep with multiple sex partners to make he/she feel better about themselves.

2. someone who talks down to other people

"She's sucha a slagger."

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A lad who only sleeps with slags (because it's easy). In verbal form, said lad is "slagging". Just as a whaler pursues whales, a slagger pursues slags (or more likely just happens to come upon one).

You know that guy Edward? All the girls he's slept with were total slags. He's such a slagger.

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A bed wetting politician who stabs another politician in the asshole with a pigs penis every Sunday morning.

Putin: (worlds most infamous Slagger)
Trump:( gets stabbed with a pigs penis in the ass by Putin)
see some of my other words down below

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One who is both a slacker and a loligagger

Look at Yeshiva's big man sitting at the table in the learning center; what a slagger!

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