Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shwank?

someone who is cooler than everyone

Oo! Check out Meggie and Sashi! They are so swank

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shwank - video


Shwank - what is it?

To masturbate while taking a shower

"I'm getting a verucas, who had a shwank?"

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What does "shwank" mean?

A object that is the cross between a sword and a shank.

1. She used her shwank to kill the alien because it was small enough to hide.

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Shwank - what does it mean?

the conjunction of she-wank.
ie female masturbation

i'm off for a shwank.

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Shwank - meaning

The act of masterbation whilst in the shower.
Shwank, shwanking.
Wanking in the shower

Tom: Hey Lewy, you look really refreshed today!
Lewy: Yeah man, just had a shwank, felt so good.
Will: Wtf is a shwank bro?
Lewy: When you have a wank in the shower!
Will: Mad!

👍49 👎37

Shwank - definition

the easiest way to communicate that you think something is awesome .

that was shwank!!!
Yeah! that was so cool my balls switched places!!!!

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Shwank - slang

another meaning for "sweet" positive notation

Wow! That is shwank!

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to simultanously hang a shit and to wank (masterbate).

fuck yeah do it all the time,lowers your chance of getting prostate cancer by fifty percent,yeah fuck yeah shwanking is the way to go!

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To take a shit and masterbate at the same time.

"hey, I'm bored, and I've got to take a shit. I guess I could just go shwank and kill two birds with one stone"

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A shwank is the very precise art of having a shit and a wank at the same time such that you come at both ends at the same time causing you to pass out.

Also known as schwank.

Julian was found in a such a mess on the toilet. He must have had a Shwank

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